United Church of God

Debra Sharon Karahan Comments

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Debra Sharon Karahan



Contact Debra Sharon Karahan

  • KarahanD
    My second wake up call today. I talked to God this morning about my focus and how sorry I was that it wasn't always as He wants. But thankfully He gives me a new day, a new start in which I can change my focus off me and put it on God and what He wants me to do and become. I have felt more of an urgency to pray "Your Kingdom come", so that the world can have a new beginning, a world without pain and the influence of the god of this age. I thank you for the reminder to sigh and cry over the abominations of the world, and to realise how quickly we absorb it as something to be endured and not abhorred, so that it becomes normal behaviour and the evil it is, seen as good. Keep warning us please.
  • KarahanD
    Hi Randy, When I first went into lockdown I thought I would have loads of time to do the things you talked about, more study and more prayer. However, I have found, that I have more work than before! I have allowed the god of this age to subtly influence me into using even my days off to do more work for the company I work for physically than to develop my relationship with my spiritual "boss". Thankfully your sermon tipped the scales as I had started to realise that my priorities were not where they should be. Thank you so much for the wake up call. I need these little reminders every day. May the Lord bless you and keep you.
  • KarahanD
    Greg, it made my heart ache with joy to hear you explain God's love for me, and for mankind, my family, my friends; that He could plan this from the very beginning of time to save us all. In my daily prayer with My Father this morning I asked Him to show me what He sees when He looks at my heart, so that I can take this Passover with the right humility and gratitude for what the Father and His Son Jesus Christ have done for me. I deeply desire this year to take this Passover with a new heart and mind, to truly appreciate this selfless sacrifice of my Lord Jesus Christ. I feel deeply privileged to be loved by my Great God and He so deserves for me to be more faithful to Him as He is to me. Half my family have not yet responded to their calling so it is with a thankful and hopeful heart when I read how God, in His mercy and love for humankind, has planned, in His timing of course, for that reconciliation through our Lord Jesus Christ. I know that day is coming. Thank you for explaining that the Passover has not been done away with and for giving me insight into the Scriptures I can use to defend why I do keep the Passover.
  • KarahanD
    As I was listening to this sermon, I had flashbacks to my recent behaviour. It's true, I didn't even realise it but I am playing the blame game. It is so much easier to blame others than to see myself or to analyse my own behaviour. Time to stop and I want to stop. Thank you Robin for opening my eyes. Our Father uses His ministry to teach me well.
  • KarahanD
    I am not a sailor but the analogy you used I can totally relate to. This type of message is exactly what we need; keep on waking us up to the distractions that we have constantly in our lives and what we should be doing. And it's so true about desires changing as we get more into Christ and His way of life, then the desire for the world's pleasure do diminish. I have felt at times that I should seperate myself from my friends in the world, but I have come to realise that I don't have to participate in wrong conversation and that I do have the ability through the Holy Spirit to change that conversation into something more wholesome. It's funny but there are times when I have wondered how I got to this state of thinking but I am so grateful that I have. God has given us watchmen, that's is all His ministry, and you all do stand guard over us with the messages that you give to us each week. I pray that we all have ears to hear and eyes to see, including myself. Thank you Steve
  • KarahanD
    Thank you Gary. I saw myself in nearly all of it. In a positive way it broke my heart. I do pray for prompts from God and then totally ignore them or leave them for later and then the moment passes. And I have blamed Him, indirectly, for not answering quick enough. I needed to hear this message and everything in it.
  • KarahanD
    I have always felt slightly sorry for Uzza, wondering why God killed him but your explanation has opened my understanding and I have for some time began to realise that God wants me to obey ALL His Words, Matt 4:4. We do tend to forget the little things that are so important to Him and important for us to continue living. Obedience and faithfulness to our Great God is His due for the wonderful gift of life that our Lord Jesus Christ has given to us called at this time. Thank you Randy for your simple and easy delivery of the Word and direct way of speaking as this is what we sorely need in these end times.
  • KarahanD
    Hi Randy, just gone through this message again. This year I lost another sister and I had started to wonder whether my love for her was deep enough because my grief didn't feel the same as the last time I lost another sister, six years ago. I now realise that my understanding of the hope I have in Christ, that our great God in His mercy has given me, has made me grieve differently; this time with the hope that I will see both of them again, and I will. Thank you for the clarification of the three resurrections and also that it will be their first chance. I did use the saying, "they will get a second chance", but no more. That was also wonderful and exciting to hear. Please continue to pass on the deeper understanding of God's Word to us.
  • KarahanD
    Thanks Rudy for that timely message. After the wonderful Feast of Tabernacles I felt a little flat and I did feel myself slipping into bad habits of making excuses for not doing what I should. Thankfully our Father has gives us inspired messages to bring us back on track. Actually breaking down time like that was really good and I can hopefully adjust my life, prioritizing what really is important. Many thanks again.
  • KarahanD
    Hi Peter, Since being promoted to a managerial position and having to deal with all kinds of people, I pray now everyday for God's wisdom because I definitely need it, through experience of using my own human wisdom and failing miserably. Thank you for the reminder on where wisdom comes from and God's mercy when we forget to ask for it at the time we should.