United Church of God


Devin Schulz Posts

Devin Schulz

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Devin Schulz

Pastor, United Church of God





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by Devin Schulz

Repentance is a vital part of God’s plan. It is listed in Hebrews 6 as one of the fundamental beliefs of the Church of God. In preparation for both Passover and the Days of Unleavened Bread, we need to examine our lives for proper repentance.

by Devin Schulz

Every year before observing the Passover we are instructed to examine ourselves. However, in order to do this properly we should have a basic understanding of why we do this, what we are to examine for, and how to go about doing our examinations.

by Devin Schulz

The term Anti-Christ carries with it a lot of confusion. There exists so much conjecture about who or what will fulfill this role in prophecy.

by Devin Schulz

Money is a very personal topic for most people. Since it is the physical means by which we take care of ourselves and our families it holds a very sensitive position in our minds.

by Devin Schulz

God uses the analogy of a shepherd and his sheep many times to convey the love and care He has for His people. One of the details conveyed is the closeness that can be conveyed simply through the shepherd's voice.

by Devin Schulz

Hypocrisy is something that seems to be almost universally disliked. Yet despite this, it still exists. Could we be guilty of this? This sermon looks at 3 characteristics of different types of hypocrisy that we should avoid in our lives.