United Church of God


Eric Myers Posts

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Eric Myers





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by Eric Myers

At Mount Sinai, God told the nation of Israel His love language: those who love me keep my commandments.

by Eric Myers

Does God exist in a Trinity as many mainstream Christians believe? This message discusses the topic of the Trinity and how it became a central teaching of the Catholic and Protestant churches and the problems that exist with the belief.

by Eric Myers

Many times we see the servants either called or driven into the wilderness to be taught. This message examines the examples of the 12 spies and the incident with Korah from the book of Numbers.

by Eric Myers

The book of Hebrews provides an overview of some of the core doctrines of the church in chapter 6. This message discusses the laying on of hands and also covers the power of touch.

by Eric Myers

One of the single most important events recorded by the Bible is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. Without this event, the whole Christian message is just a lot of nice platitudes.

by Eric Myers

As we remember the meaning of Trumpets, let's be looking forward to our future role in God's kingdom. At the same time, we must also be mindful of what we should be doing now.

by Eric Myers

What is the importance of baptism? Is it just a silly physical ritual or does it carry more significance to us?

by Eric Myers

How can we use the philosophy of "first principle" thinking to help us focus our efforts in our Christian profession?