United Church of God


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  • jjjamesholder@gmail.com
    WHY WERE YOU BORN - because a nasty woman no other people liked had a realization. If she had a baby, the baby would like her out of necessity for food and care. A naive man gets her pregnant marries her out of guilt and helps with finances. Her plan works well until the baby grows a few years and realizes its job is to like a mother than no one else likes. It opts our of that job. The husband realized he was tricked into marriage and fatherhood for the selfish reasons of the mother. He opts out. The unwanted child is here. Suppose the child inherits the unlikable personality of her mother. If the child is a female, it might decide to have a baby because the baby out of necessity would like her. The cycle repeats. But, it gets worse. The government pays aid to single mothers of dependent children. If she married a man, the welfare payments would stop. The children are stuck with one, not likable, selfish parent. The basics of 'thou shall not commit adultery' was violated and started this mess. Today playing around sexually is normal. That needs to change. Sex needs to get precious. Pregnancy needs to get precious. Abortion unheard of. Children loved.
  • jjjamesholder@gmail.com

    We are in the start of end times. We are all paying to accept the mark of the beast right now. In Bible times people could not read and for sure could not imagine something like a smart phone. Thus, the Bible described what the people could understand. A mark on the hand or forehead. That description is not accurate. The smart phone is IN your hand and controlling information going INTO your FOREHEAD. We are buy the smart phone willingly. It is a wonderfully powerful device. We would not be without it. Then the phone takes us over. It is much more controlling than a mark on our body. Yes, we are already in the end times. We are near losing our human-ness. We are part cyborg which is a human with computer parts. That computer is in our hand and soon will be placed inside our body.