United Church of God

Jennifer Comments

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  • Jennifer T

    Thank you for this article, Mr McNeely. When we see how bold evil has become, we as believers need to be equally bold, which I believe this article is. In addition to the ceremonies/performances that were mentioned, another that comes to mind is the Gotthard Tunnel ceremony of 2016 (linked to Cern), which was another overtly-Satanic display. It appears these events are meant as an invitation to the demonic realm to enter our world even more fully. Terrible times are ahead, but glory and thanks to the Father and the Messiah who will be victorious over it!

  • Jennifer T

    Thank you for this article, Becky. While reading this, I was reminded of a disturbing futuristic video that I recently saw titled EctoLife, which describes babies born in birthing pods separately from their mothers. One of the “advantages” to this artificial method is that parents would be able to choose genes that make their child strong, smart or any other trait that they find desirable.
    The concept of transhumanism should not be taken lightly. We know that Scripture warns of a horrific time in the future that is unlike any other time. It’s possible that some of these terrible “advancements” will contribute to that time of tribulation.
    The reason that these things may sound like sci-fi to many people is because these concepts have been purposely programmed into us for decades through entertainment. When we start hearing about them becoming real, many people will unfortunately dismiss them as ‘something that only happens on TV’. In reality, we’ve been introduced to these things over time in order to prime us for their arrival.
    What a great comfort to know that Christ has already won the battle! But the time ahead of His return will indeed be the darkest time in man's history.

  • Jennifer T
    Thank you for this video. We are nearing that time when the body of Christ will need to make the tough decision of how closely we want to be aligned with governments who are clear enemies of the Word of God. If church bodies that teach Biblical truth need to lose their tax exempt privileges in order to follow Christ, then so be it. It won't be easy, but I hope we all have the courage to follow the Lamb no matter what. We've been told ahead of time that a great persecution will once again occur against the true believers. Let's see to it that no so-called government prevents us from gaining our crowns.
  • Jennifer T

    We all know Christ was born and lived a human life, but He never commanded us to celebrate a birthday to Him. Birthday celebrations began with mankind, and the only examples of birthdays celebrated in the Bible were those of ungodly men. It is very tempting to want to show your love for God by taking part in something that feels good emotionally and seems to honor Him, but it's the wrong path. Remember what our Savior said - many will go in by the wide path, which leads to destruction. If you see the whole world united in participation of something (like christmas), that normally means it's not of God. The entire world is under the sway of the wicked one. Even atheists and God-haters participate in the world's holidays. What does that tell us? We are to follow the narrow path, which might lead to temporary persecution and earthly death, but eventually to eternal life.

  • Jennifer T
    To be fair, we should say "multiple lying US Presidents", since this is much more accurate in describing the leadership we've had over the past century. But much of what we have experienced over the decades has been controlled propaganda fed to us by the media, including much of the racial issues. The adversary uses media to divide us so that we direct our hatred toward each other and not him. It's all designed that way and carried out by his human servants.
  • Jennifer T
    Thank you for this video. It was rather disgusting to see this happen in Congress, but not all that surprising when you realize that those who are supposed to represent the people are merely puppets of a greater evil plan. As the adversary and his servants get bolder, we need to get just as bold about our faith. If the Congressman wasn't afraid to use the name of a pagan deity, then we should not be ashamed to use the name of our Creator, YHWH, the great I AM. We certainly don't want to be included as one of those whom Christ will be ashamed of before His Father.
  • Jennifer T
    One additional comment regarding the outside voices telling us to "follow the science"... Science has also been working on a plan to block out a portion of the sun's rays using a steerable balloon to release particles into the atmosphere, which would ideally help with "climate change". At last look, a test flight was to take place in mid-2021. This work has been partially funded by a certain philanthropist who also believes the entire world needs to be vaccinated before things can return to normal. Let us consider this: a portion of the sun will be dimmed. Where have we been warned of this before? We really need to wake up, as Mr. Shabi stated.
  • Jennifer T
    Fantastic message! It says so much without having to go into every detail regarding those voices that are saturating us with information. Thank you, Mr. Shabi, for giving this sermon. Everything we're seeing right now is pushing us speedily closer to that global beast power. I know we still have it better in the U.S. than others around the world do, but oppression is increasing everywhere, and God is being shut down for the sake of science and man-made logic. This is how it begins. It starts off sounding like something that benefits everyone, but when people start to 'lord it over' others, they rarely ever give back the freedoms that they took. And it's not just about keeping freedom. We need to have the eyes to see what is behind all the strange information that we've been fed. It's obvious that end-time events are moving along much quicker than we may realize. May we have the eyes to see what is happening at this time. Ask, seek, knock.
  • Jennifer T
    It might be a good time to consider becoming a vegetarian! I actually believe human beings have been doing this kind of experimenting since ancient times. When you see the strange half-animal/half-human forms in Egyptian and other art, it makes you wonder if we aren't just re-discovering an ancient evil practice. The adversary can't create, so he just twists and destroys what God created. I agree with the other comments that this news is meant to prepare us for human editing, which is probably well under way by now.
  • Jennifer T
    A beautiful and thought-provoking message. Thank you Mr. Thomas!
  • Jennifer T
    Thank you for this message. It helps paint a picture of the Millennium that is likely very close to actuality.
  • Jennifer T
    Mr. Foster, thank you for a great message. There are many things that I gained from it, and in particular, I picked up a better understanding of the separateness of the Eighth Day compared to the rest of the Feast of Tabernacles.
  • Jennifer T

    Thank you, Mr. Eddington. This is an excellent article.

  • Jennifer T

    Interesting article. Thank you for the insight, as I always found this to be a confusing scripture. I would like to comment that although this scripture does not seem to outlaw cooking on the Sabbath, I do think an argument can be made that Exodus 16:23 (unrelated to this article) could suggest this. But although we can't always avoid preparing food on the Sabbath, I think we should try to avoid it if possible, especially in our day and age when we have refrigeration and other means to preserve the food.

  • Jennifer T
    I think the best way to answer this is to assure you that God will not condemn people until they've had a chance to learn His entire truth and then decide whether they will accept it and repent or whether they will reject it. The majority of the world does not understand God's truth at this time, so they are not automatically condemned. They are being temporarily blinded according to God's purpose, but they are still loved by Him and will not be destroyed just because they didn't have the understanding of His truth at this time. They will have their chance later. The best way to begin understanding His truth is to get into the Scriptures daily. For those who grew up in Sunday churches (myself included), the most difficult part is trying to forget all the previous traditions and doctrines that have been drilled into our heads and start fresh with the word of God. It's tempting to want to lean back on what you've been told and to read things into the Scriptures, but we have to try to clear our minds and read what He says and commands. The topic of "hell" is another subject, but the world's common idea of hell is un-Biblical.