United Church of God


Jim Call Sr. Posts

Jim Call Sr.

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Jim Call Sr.





Contact Jim Call Sr.

by Jim Call Sr.

What is our reason for serving and helping others in God's church. Do we serve for recognition from others or to get acknowledgement for our service? God's word has many examples that reveal that God wants us to learn to serve from our hearts and not for outward show or recognition.

by Jim Call Sr.

What is our reason for serving and helping others in God's church. Do we serve for recognition from others or to get acknowledgement for our service? God's word has many examples that reveal that God wants us to learn to serve from our hearts and not for outward show or recognition.

by Jim Call Sr.

The Book of Life .. Are we all in it? Is the Book of Life Real? What is in the Bible about the Book of Life. Many saints are in the Book of Life now , who are they? Is the Book of Life the Bible? Why not? In this sermon the Book of Life is explained for a better understanding....