United Church of God


Joe Camerata Posts

Joe Camerata

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Joe Camerata





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by Joe Camerata

Something not to forget as so many fumble through the Bible.  Christ is our perfect example of servant leadership and how we ought to serve.

by Joe Camerata

Over recent weeks and months most of us entered a period of self examination. Have we prepared and are we preparing our lives and hearts for better times, despite a world in crisis and the faith of man diminishing?

by Joe Camerata

Over recent weeks and months most of us entered a period of self examination. Have we prepared our lives and hearts for better times, despite a world in crisis and the faith of man diminishing?

by Joe Camerata

Life is too often not smooth sailing.  Why must we have trials and suffering?  What lessons can we learn? 

by Joe Camerata

During this special time of fasting, as we come together counting down to Pentecost, do we ponder the great gift and significance of God’s Holy Spirit in our lives? Do we engage in deep personal self examination?

by Joe Camerata

In this turbulent era following a very heated election many in the world breathe a sigh of relief, while others are bitter and angry. What does it mean for us as Christians? Do we get caught up in the ways of the world?

by Joe Camerata

As we approach the Day of Trumpets recall that Christ is called a “stone of stumbling” by detractors, but He is also King of Kings and He is coming again!  What do we do with this information? What are the “little stones” in our lives?