United Church of God

Jose Abelardo Figueroa Comments

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Jose Abelardo Figueroa





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  • Jose Abelardo Figueroa

    What's wrong with " the dream of an easier and better life for everyone"? Nothing. It seems to me that this is also the intention of God’s law.
    Socialist doctrine certainly failed in all countries where it was tried in an orthodox manner. Capitalism has prevailed because, in effect, it is the system that best fits the heart of man, deceptive and perverse.
    Socialism hasn’t achieved the dream utopia because, among other failures, rejects the one source of wisdom and power that could support that utopia: love toward God and love toward neighbor. The communism’s basis is the vain human materialist reasoning.
    Capitalism is driven by greed. I do not conceive any monopolizing or usurious entity functioning in the Kingdom of God, so I also find it shocking when it is implied that capitalism is the system that comes closest to a divine system.
    God’s way of life is love, that is, the altruistic interest for the welfare and honor of the beloved: of God first and also of our neighbor, and this not as a voluntary act of charity, but as our only way to act and react as servants of the Kingdom of God.
    Regarding political sympathies, world rankings of HDI and WHR give much to be considered.

  • Jose Abelardo Figueroa

    The migration that is now being observed from Central America to the north is not new, it is only being done in a different way, in caravans and this is the change that now draws attention.
    The reasons for migrating remain the same: better opportunities or the violence, injustice, hunger and lack of freedom.
    Basically, no one would like to emigrate from the place where he was born and grew up, because even if he fulfills all the prerequisites, it will always be a hard and traumatic process that only the very brave, the unconscious, or the very desperate will dare to do. Obviously, everyone who emigrates aspires to live the way people live in the country to which they have emigrated. The problems start when migrants come across discrimination and segregation.
    Migration in search of a better future will always be a social phenomenon claimed as a right by some and a threat denounced by others. Both sides could have valid reasons, as American history itself has shown, anyway, the words of Jesus Christ in this regard are recorded in Matthew 25:34-40.
    It was never walls or weapons that protected Israel, “but to do justly, to love mercy, and to walk humbly with your God.” Micah 6:8