United Church of God

Joseph DeCapite Comments

%user:name Comments

Joseph DeCapite





Contact Joseph DeCapite

  • decapitejo@aol.com

    In the article above you state the following: "We saw in the last lesson that the Great Tribulation will begin 3½ years before Christ returns. It appears that the last year of that period will be the Day of the Lord. So it seems that the first 2½ years display Satan’s wrath, followed by a year of God’s vengeance."

    This paragraph does not make sense biblically speaking. The following are the reasons why. First, the tribulation lasts 3 1/2 years, but that time will be cut short or else no flesh would be saved. How long will those days be cut, we don't know. Then "immediately after the tribulation" (Matt 24:29) the 6th seal is opened which are the heavenly signs. Remember that these signs are warning signs telling us that Christ is coming. The signs are not His coming! Christ doesn't appear until the 7th trumpet.
    There is no scripture that supports: " It appears that the last year of that period will be the Day of the Lord. So it seems that the first 2½ years display Satan’s wrath, followed by a year of God’s vengeance." Where do you get this from? You can't mix Satan's wrath with God's wrath. Both wraths are separated by the 6th seal, the heavenly signs.

  • decapitejo@aol.com
    At 8:06 through 8:11 you say that the temple of Solomon was destroyed by the Babylonians; At 13:53 through 13:67 you say that Solomon's temple was desecrated. It wasn't Solomon's temple that was desecrated at that time, it was the Zerrubabel - Herod temple. Also, you mention the "little horn" as Antiochus but you fail to mention the future "little horn" as the man of sin or perdition. This presentation was confusing.