United Church of God

Kimberly Fair Comments

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Kimberly Fair



Contact Kimberly Fair

  • fair64
    Thank you, Pastor, for the wonderful explanation concerning idolatry. Since coming to the body of Christ and beginning this process of lifelong conversion, I've had to accept what the living God says about this sin. I knew that I turned to something else when the going got tough or the cares of this world became too much. Instead of casting my cares on Jesus or through prayer and supplication, with thanksgiving making my request known unto God; I turned to alcohol and drugs. I didn't understand by doing this I was saying that these substances where stronger and more powerful than the living God. I didn't understand that Satan was using this tool to reduce my understanding of the true power and might of God's Holy Spirit. I chose substances over the power and sound mind of the Eternal. I have repented of this sin and on a daily basis I am turning my will and my life over to the care of God. When Satan starts up with the broadcasts, I remember that I have access to God's Power and I set my mind to not do this sin against my God and His law. I don't want to meet the God of Amos on that terrible day. I humble myself know and obey now.
  • fair64
    It is so easy to google information on this holiday from the Encyclopedia Britanica. Even after one finds out the origins of this worldly holiday, people just do not want to give up their traditions. But as Jesus said, "In vain do they worship Me, taking the commandments of God and making them naught, THAT THEY MAY KEEP THEIR OWN TRADITIONS". This is not harmless fun. This is giving glory to the god of this world, the prince of the power of the air. We have to be on God's side or we are on Satan's side. There is no inbetween. The devil is real and he hates everything about God and His Holy Days. He makes his holy day seem harmless, but deep down this is celebrating him and his holiday. As I watched my 4 year old grandson looking at all the Halloween decorations, I wanted to see how he responded after I had been telling him that this was Satan's holiday. He looked up at me and said, "Gramma, we love God, we don't love the devil". I was so proud that the teachings I had been instilling in him was settling in and he understood that this was something that our Heavenly Father DOES NOT LIKE!! Praise God that he can understand the difference. Thank you, God>
  • fair64

    Excellent, Pastor Kubik, excellent understanding of what you called "The end result, aided and abetted by an evil, supernatural force, will lead right up to the precipice". Thank our wonderful and loving Father, Abba, who let's us come boldly before Him in our time of need and ASSURES us; because He cannot lie, having set Himself so, that for our sake's He will come back at the last minute and set up the kingdom! I thank UCGIA for training me in discipleship and caring for me as I progress in my conversion. My pastor, Howard Davis, certainly can preach the kingdom of God and is a caring minister, loving and caring for me as I grow in the grace and knowledge of The Lord Jesus Christ. Thank you also, Pastor, for my new word of the day...ANTHROPOCENE. Yes, anthro = human & cene = new & epoch = age! NEW HUMAN AGE of self annihilation. Thanxz again.

  • fair64

    Great biblical advice. I've got to do it God's way in order to overcome the temptations of my own lusts and affections. I must strive to enter in by that strait gate, moving through the gate while not allowing sin, self, and Satan to brush against me as I do. I must ask for God's Holy Spirit so I can act like Him and think like Him, walking in His resurrection power, able to do all things thru Christ who strengthens me. Christ said this walk would not be an easy walk, it definitely wasn't for Him and it surely won't be for us. He said in this world there would be troubles, but we can be of good cheer because He has overcome this world. So yes, Satan is the God of this world but I choose to walk in good success, letting the Book of the Law not depart from my mouth but meditating on it day & night and observing to do all that is in it. And then I will make my way prosperous & and then I will have good success!!!!

  • fair64
    The truth does set me free! Free from worry and anxiety. Free from Satan's deception. Wasn't it Solomon who said there is no memory in the grave and the living know that they are alive, but the dead know nothing? Jesus says all that are dead are just sleeping, like Lazarus and the young damsel were, right? I am so blessed to have been called out of this world's false religions and teachings and brought into the truth of God's soon coming kingdom that will never be destroyed. Yes, come Lord Jesus, come!
  • fair64

    Excellent article to encourage me to continue steadfast in the Apostle's doctrine. I just don't believe in Jesus' promises today, I BELIEVE JESUS!! Any and all adversity is not worth counting when compared to Him coming back to set up God's kingdom that will never be destroyed. And to think about King Jesus ruling and reigning from Jerusalem with God's commandments being the law of the land, oh how I want to help in the regeneration with Jesus leading the way. To one day be an immortal spirit-being and live in eternity as part of the Elohim family...it is my hope.

  • fair64

    Thank you so much for all the clarification concerning the word "stauros". That pagan symbol of the "cross", I believe has something to do with the letter "t", for Tammuz, something about the word "tau". Yes, let's call it what it is in the original Greek, an upright stake!! Ooh, all the misconceptions that come from that Babylonian mystery religion....well, it won't be long now before the TRUTH will be going forth from Jerusalem!! Thanks again, Armando.

  • fair64

    During the week of Unleavened Bread I removed a problem, an idol actually, and had kept it out all week long. Only through daily maintenance have I been able to keep this "other god" out of my life. I am to have no other gods in my life, and when I made the decision to love the Eternal, my God, w/ all my passion and all my energy; God gave me His Power to obey Him.

  • fair64

    It is time for us to realize the astounding hope & future our Father has prepared for them that love & obey Him! As I contemplate the cosmos, I think of how the sun really looks up close, through a telescope. I think , perhaps, this is what our Elohim is made up of. This type of enveloping fire, Christ's face shines like the sun, right? And I am being given the invite to be a part of God's awesome potential for human beings. With the earth & the heavens being created to be inhabited and all, that is ALOT of room for the Eternal to bring MANY SONS TO GLORY! Hard to think like that, but because I can I know God us working on me!