United Church of God

Linda LaBissoniere Comments

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Linda LaBissoniere





Contact Linda LaBissoniere

  • Linda LaBissoniere

    Thank you for your recent comment Christine. I wanted to mention that this article focused on the importance of a Christian woman submitting to a Christian man. I did briefly address situations regarding submitting to a man that is not led by God's Spirit. If I had had more available space I would have discussed more broadly the situations that might warrant a woman not submitting. I did reference the story of Abigail and her evil husband Nabal from I Samuel 25:3-38. In this account you will see that Abigail did the exact opposite of what her husband wanted to do. Yet she is not condemned in the scriptures. I also mentioned that a woman may have to spend time in prayer and possibly even counsel to determine how to handle various situations. It is definitely not something that a woman should take lightly. I also agreed with Spiritwired that a man and woman should make many decisions together and that men should listen and a times submit to their wives. However, there may be times they will not agree. If what the husband decides is not clearly against Godly principles I feel that the wife should submit, even if it is against her preferences. She does this trusting God.

  • Linda LaBissoniere

    Thank you for your recent comment Christine. I wanted to mention that this article focused on the importance of a Christian woman submitting to a Christian man. I did briefly address situations in which a woman is under the authority of a man that is not led by God's Spirit.