United Church of God

lissette solorzano Comments

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lissette solorzano



Contact lissette solorzano

  • lissette
    Thank you Mr. Gary Petty. We’re blessed to have this opportunity to learn from your experiencie. Your programs are insightful and help us put our priorities in order.. with GOD first on our daily life!. Keep preparing the people and preaching the gospel. I’m q baptized member , my parents knew the church since I was 1 year old. Now I’m married and attend with my two kids every sabbath.
  • lissette
    Excellent advice! I really needed to learn about confronting anxiety when you feel like too many trials are being sent and GOD expect us to be closer to him by studying the Bible and let go the hero fallacy . I enjoy watching BT everyday on my commute to work .. It has made my mornings peaceful in traffic learning more about GOD’s word and how to practice it in our everyday life!. God bless you! From Guatemala’s church.
  • lissette

    Great job explaining this to your son. As mothers, we sure can ask God to inspires us when we talk about GOD. Too often kids ask us things that you just have to wait a moment and think. You´re right... and we should be careful not to confuse them and know when our answers are enough for them at each age to understand. I´m a member in Guatemala city and I also go to Church every Sabbath. Thank u!!!!