United Church of God


Matthew Miller Posts

Matthew Miller

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Matthew Miller





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by Matthew Miller

The habits and actions that we develop in this life can be a putrid stench in the nostrils of God or a pleasing aroma... What odor is following you? Have you smelled yourself lately? Let's look at what scripture has to say about our scent as we examine the way we smell to others and to God.

by Matthew Miller

What's the difference between the man who is hungry and thirsty for righteousness, longing for the milk of the word and the man who is constantly learning but never coming to the knowledge of the truth?

by Matthew Miller

We’ve each been given strengths by our Creator. Let’s look at lessons from scripture on how to use those strengths in such a way that they don’t become our downfall.

by Matthew Miller

Let’s examine how we can follow where Gods spirit leads in a world where we’re surrounded by things that are calling us away from God.

by Matthew Miller

We were built for more than sitting around trying not to sin. Recognizing our God given purpose is the first step to reaching our full potential. Gods Spirit isn't merely a restrictive force keeping us from sinning. It's an encourager, leading us to winning!

by Matthew Miller

Have you ever struggled with being discouraged? Are you a natural born encourager? Let’s look in scripture to see what Gods idea of encouragement is. What is it, How does it work, and what role do we play in each others lives as brothers and sisters in Christ?