United Church of God

Robert H Berendt Comments

%user:name Comments

Robert H Berendt

Pastor, United Church of God





Contact Robert H Berendt

  • Robert Berendt

    Thank you for the input Judd. I read Luke 24 which refers to some Old Test. Scriptures. It is always good to put our heads together to gain knowledge. What a great thing it is to be alive at a time of knowledge as we now have. Thanks for your input. By the way, I can now change the number of great to 8 with another coming in March. Grandchildren are something else. May you enjoy the blessings God has given. (-:

  • Robert Berendt

    Thank you for the comments - and for making the effort to truly understand the words of our Creator. The Bible speaks much about wisdom and proper conduct. There are times when we are to give and ask no questions, and there are times when it is clear giving is wrong. We need to reach out to help people to have self-respect for themselves and others. Paul wrote that a person is to work so that they can help others (Eph.4:28). That also applies to the person in need. We can give a fish to a hungry person, they will eat and tomorrow want another fish - or we can give them a fish and teach them to fish for themselves. There are not clear-cut answers as to what we should do in every case or situation because circumstances vary. All of the Scriptures come together to give us wisdom in how we live. Our tendency is to be generous and that is good, but we need to struggle not to be foolish.

  • Robert Berendt

    There is much we do not understand, but will one day. How to grasp the incredible event of the Word becoming flesh and the only begotten of the Father and begotten Son - is not totally clear (John 1:3,14,18). Jesus did not become begotten or the Son of God until Mary conceived and gave birth. He was divine and human in order to complete the work God was doing for mankind. He was the first human resurrected to eternal life - and there was a change that took place that we do not fully grasp. We can only read the words and marvel at the majesty of the Almighty. As the firstborn Son of many children, Christ is subject only to the Father (I Cor. 15:28) and all other children will be subject under Christ. That statement is made about the resurrected Son of God. Some statements we can only marvel about and glorify the brilliance and love of God.

  • Robert Berendt

    It is true that some suffer terribly - I think of the book of Job and shudder at his experience. It is a world in which God has given some control to Satan and that part is evil. But God is here too and it was good to see the strength that came from walking with Him. I hope you continue to search for God - the future He offers will make all your suffering end one day. I pray that He will heal your mind completely - good to see you fighting back at the evil.

  • Robert Berendt

    Thank you for the continued conversations. In UCG, any minister can be reached by his email address. For example I am Robert_Berendt@ucg.org so when you tune into UCG.org, you can find various ones. I do not know of a minister who would not respond to your emails. I appreciated the reply of Aaron Booth for the live broadcast in the USA, I live and serve in Canada - and that is a little drive from where you live --- but a spiritual connection travels fast. Hopefully one day we will all meet. God bless.

  • Robert Berendt

    Thank you Nick and Kathy - in a very short note, obvious much (most) must be left unsaid and it is hoped readers will be stimulated to study further. Jesus went on in Matt.5:48 to say we are to become "perfect just as your Father in heaven is perfect." That leaves much to contemplate. God forgives when repentance is clear and some are never forgiven their sins (Heb.6:6). Lots to learn and think about - with His guidance.

  • Robert Berendt

    How pleasant to read the kind thoughts in your notes to one another. As a pastor, if people wrote to me in my area, it was often possible to have a few living near enough to meet. With 6 to 8 people I would be happy to visit from time to time. UCG is determined to serve the people our loving Father draws to Him. That is our task in life. Please keep conversing - and you will be surprised at how He responds. We do need one another. God bless. (-:

  • Robert Berendt

    Greetings Hope. You sound like quite a remarkable person. All who wish to obey God fully with regards to the Sabbath as well as His holy days do feel out of place in other groups. I am not sure where you live, but the United Church of God does have church meeting groups all over the USA and it is possible one is near you. We do need one another as part of the sign of God's people is a fervent love as well as not forsaking assemblies. If I can be of further help, please email me - or email the home office of UCG in Cincinnati. I am sure you will find you are not alone. warm regards. Robert Berendt

  • Robert Berendt

    Hello Kathy -- thanks for your comment. Faith is something we must always have on a grand or large scale - i.e. eternal life, resurrection - but we also show that faith in smaller things. Faith is a constant way of thinking, but exhibiting it may be for a limited time (e.g. bearing a healthy baby) and then that small moment of faith is completed. Faith is a frame of mind in the large scale, but taken in bits, when we have faith (for example) that a broken leg will heal, after it is healed, that spurt of faith is not needed. Faith lasts during the time of waiting and trusting that we will have an answer of reach a goal. Once that particular goal is reached, we continue to exhibit faith in other smaller goals and always in the bigger goal of eternity. We never give up on faith as a way of thinking. thanks for your comment. Robert Berendt

  • Robert Berendt

    Hello Kathy -- It is true that circumstances change. We can learn to do the best with what we have - be it old age, a lost leg, blindness etc. That does not always mean we like it that way, but we need to learn to work with what we have. We do need to "think outside the box" as you mentioned. Robert Berendt

  • Robert Berendt

    Hi Kathy - thank you for your observations. It is not easy to say something clearly using just a few words. God is involved in our lives and His word shows that poverty or too much wealth can cause problems (Prov.30:8). We are also to do things with all of our might (our part) and God blesses that (Eccl.9:10). It is a good system - good for us especially. Robert Berendt