United Church of God

seaside r roses Comments

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seaside r roses



Contact seaside r roses

  • seasideroses
    I appreciate commenters pointing out instances in scripture where it was shown that people are interacting with others after death, such as the rich man talking to the beggar from hell, Jesus talking with moses and elijah, etc; and I think about Samuel the prophet who came to King Saul, after being summoned by the witch of endor, and spoke to him (of course admonishing him not to contact the dead). I also tend to believe some of the stories I've read/heard about people's "encounters" with deceased relatives, etc, and I have my own. My sister, with whom I had been in an acrimonious feud when she died, "came to me" after four years and grabbed me and hugged me, and I "knew" that she had been healed and had forgiven me; she seemed to be happy and vibrant. Conversely, her son, who committed suicide, came to me several years after his death sobbing and hugging my neck, and I put him in my lap while he sobbed. I knew he still was grappling with his depression, but he nevertheless wanted to be reconciled with me as well as his mom. I never asked for this, but I was blessed to realize that I still have a relationship with both of them. so I'm not so sure you presented the true biblical
  • seasideroses
    Mr Miller, if Peter and John were seeing Moses and Elijah as a "vision" that means that it wasn't really happening; usually a vision is of a reality that is not "present". However, in this incident, Moses and Elijah were also talking with Jesus, and He had become transformed before their eyes as well. Also, how is that Peter would react the way he did-speaking to Jesus about doing something with these men that had appeared-if it had been a vision? They would surely have known it if it was a vision; they would not have attempted to "participate" but would have watched it, and then it would have been REPORTED as a vision, rather than as it was, as an event or occurrence.