United Church of God

Stephen w. Broyles Comments

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Stephen w. Broyles



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  • Stephenb
    1corintians 15:35- 58 speaks of the two bodies we have . after we die our spirit body steps out and returns to the heavenly Father and the flesh goes into the grave and according to Ecclesiates 9:5 the flesh. body doesn't have anymore reward .The flesh body we occupied will never come out of the grave because we don't need it anymore the flesh age will have ended for us .
  • Stephenb
    Read 1thessalonians chapter 4 :13 -18. God brings those that have passed away with him at the last trump . The dead are in heaven now some in good standing others waiting judgment or waiting for the millennium to be taught Gods word . All will be in spiritual bodies but some will still have mortal souls. Which means they haven't overcame yet .
  • Stephenb

    The people are in heaven but they have a fixed gulf which can't be crossed overcomers on one side. with God and the others on the oposite side awaiting the 1000. year reign of Christ or just waiting on judgment day to be blotted out in the lake of fire . God will give all his children the opportunity. to be saved none will perish in ignorance. Remember God isn't the God of the dead but the living .I heard the sermon where are the dead yesterday and it was very disheartening what was taught . It is still bothering me . The dead are with our heavenly Father . The flesh dies and has no more reward but that spiritually. body steps out at the time of death and goes home . Compare. Luck 16 with the Goodspeed Apocrypha second Esdras chapter 7:77 -105 .The term sleep is just a figure of speech which means they are dead in the flesh . Heaven is in different dimension. than ours that's the reason you have to die to see God .

  • Stephenb

    King James version 1 Peter 3:18-20. 1Peter 4:5-6. Tells us that the ones all the way back to the time of Noah had the gospel preached to them and in that forth chapter of 1Peter says alot of them overcame . They excepted Christ.and are overvomers .