Vertical News: Noise Pollution Impacts Health

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Noise Pollution Impacts Health

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Recent research from Karolinska University in Sweden has found a correlation between increased traffic noise and an increase in waist size, one centimeter of increased waist size for every ten decibels of noise. Similar results came from a correlation of air traffic noise and waist size, with an even greater increase in the latter attributed to the sounds of heavy air traffic.

A British study found that those exposed to higher levels of aircraft noise were more likely to require treatment for heart disease. Research from the Netherlands found that birth weight in children was affected by noise pollution, as well as academic performance. Experts connect the noise issues to an increase in stress response. The noises being perceived by the body as a potential stressor and in turn triggering the body to produce various stress hormones that impact weight and cardiovascular health (Jerome Burne, “Is The Noise of Modern Life Making You Ill? It Can Trigger Heart Disease, Blood Pressure, and Weight Gain – Even When You’re Asleep,” The Daily Mail at, June 9, 2014).

A solution? Tune in to silence for a while with the help of ear plugs, if necessary. Also, take time to savor the sounds of God’s creation. Bird and animal life, thunderstorms, water moving, a crackling campfire… anything that is no-tech!