Beyond Today Daily

A Biblical Worldview: What President Trump Said Is Right

Discover the timeless truth of God’s Word and its message of hope for a world in need of renewal. This Thanksgiving, learn how turning to Him can bring purpose, salvation, and a brighter future—starting with the Bible in your hands.


[Rick Shabi] Recently we heard these words from newly elected President Trump, and were heartened and thankful to hear a leader say this:

Hearing those words remind us of God’s words to a nation that is falling into decline—an impending disaster. We read of this in Ezekiel 18:31-32 where He plainly says, “Turn to Me and live!”

We encourage everyone to get their Bible out and read it. Find out that God does love mankind, that He has a purpose in mind for all of us. He is aware of what is going on, and He is in charge. He wants us to live rich, productive, meaningful lives, and He wants to continue to bless us.

But He also says we must make a choice. We must choose to follow Him and live the words in this book. Lip service and knowledge is not enough.

Get out your Bible this Thanksgiving week. See the truth of God and how this Bible and what it says is so different than what you may have been taught by your church or spiritual leader.

This is where truth, salvation and your future are.

You need to learn the truth, the real plain truth about what Christ taught, and what His apostles taught and lived. Believing in Him means you will follow Him and live the way he taught and the way He lived. He said He is the way. If you believe that, are you living His way? It’s important to find out.

Go to and watch the videos we offer on this topic. Read a few of the short articles you will find there, and you will learn things you probably haven’t heard before.

As you listen and read, ask yourself: does my Church teach this? What is the plan of God? What is the Kingdom of God? Why will Jesus Christ return and what will He do during that 1000-year reign on earth?

God’s word contained in the Bible is a message of hope and inspiration that you won’t find anywhere else.

Prove it. Challenge us, and make sure you subscribe to this channel, so you learn more about the Bible and what the future holds. Share what you learn with your family and friends. The truth is the greatest gift God gives us, and the greatest you can give them. 

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If you have any questions on the truths listed below, or are looking for biblical support of them, please search our website or write directly to us at

God, Creation and Man

1. God developed a plan for the earth and mortal man, before He ever created the earth.

2. God created the earth as a temporary place. When the earth and its purpose for mankind is complete, it will be replaced with a new heaven and new earth.

3. God created the earth as we know it in six days.

4. God created man as a physical, mortal being on day six of creation. He was created as a mortal being with the potential for becoming immortal. Man does not have an immortal soul and can die an eternal death.

5. Adam and Eve rejected God and His law, and chose to govern themselves. Rather than be governed and led by God, they chose to eat of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil. As a result, they chose to be under the sway of the Devil, which leads to death, rather than being subject to God and His way, which leads to life.

6. Satan, the Devil, is a living spirit being who is the adversary of God. He rebelled against God before man was created, and he is in opposition to God, His plan and His people. Satan is the god of this world. He has deceived all mankind and is dedicated to destruction, division and death for all people—especially to those people who commit to and follow God.

The Bible

7. The Bible is the word of God and is true in its entirety. It is profitable for instruction in righteousness, correction and direction. It shows humankind the way to live godly lives. God’s people—those whom He calls and those who choose to follow His way—are “sanctified” (that is, set apart) by God. God’s people live by every word of the Bible, including all ten of the Ten Commandments, just as the Savior and Messiah, Jesus Christ, did, leaving us an example that we should follow.

8. We do not add to, or take away from, anything written in the Bible. We obey God as He directs.

The Sabbaths

9. We observe God’s weekly and annual Sabbaths. The weekly Sabbath was created by God on day seven of creation and is time dedicated to Him. No work is done on the Sabbath day, and His people gather together before Him each Sabbath day.

10. We observe all of the “appointed times” that God commanded His people to observe as listed in Leviticus chapter 23—including the weekly (Saturday) Sabbath. God’s feast days (annual Sabbaths, Holy Days, or “appointed times”) picture the plan of God and salvation for mankind through Jesus Christ. No work is done on these Holy Days, and His people gather before Him at these appointed times.

Covenants with Abraham and David

11. Abraham was a friend of God and kept His commandments and statutes. As a result, God blessed Abraham and made a covenant with him—that in him all nations would be blessed. That covenant promised physical blessings to His descendants, and a spiritual blessing for the whole world through Jesus Christ. We believe that God still loves the descendants of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob (known as Israel) and that He knows where these people are in today’s world.

12. David was a man after God’s own heart. Because of David’s loyalty and heartfelt commitment to God, He promised His throne would last forever. That throne still exists today, and is the throne upon which Jesus Christ will rule at His return to earth to establish His Kingdom.

Jesus Christ

13. Jesus Christ is the promised Messiah and Savior—who was the Word with God, and who was God—who was born as flesh and blood, both Davidic and Divine. He lived a perfect life. His life and suffering perfectly fulfilled all the prophecies of His coming recorded in the Old Testament, and His life and blood paid the penalty for our sins. He died in our stead.

14. Jesus Christ died and lay in the tomb for three days and three nights—exactly as He and the prophets foretold. He was resurrected to eternal life, the first of the firstfruits, and the firstborn among those who dedicate their life to God and who are truly filled with His Spirit. Because of His resurrection, mankind has the hope of eternal life.

15. Before Christ died, He started His Church with teachings based upon the truths of the Bible. He is the living Head of the Church, which is comprised of those whom God calls and those who respond to His call through true repentance, turning from their ways to His way, and who are baptized into the name of the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.

16. During the New Testament time, or Age of the Church—which spans from the time of the apostles until Christ’s return—God calls people from all nationalities and tongues. No one can come to understand the truth of God unless the Father who sent Christ calls him. Upon repentance, baptism and the laying on of hands, one becomes a member of the Body of Christ (His Church) and the Holy Spirit is imparted to him or her.

17. After His resurrection, Christ was taken “up into the heavens” where today He sits at the right hand of the Father. He promised to return again, and will return to set up His Kingdom on earth at the time Father sends Him.

The Time of the End

18. Prior to Christ’s return the world will turn farther away from God—becoming an increasingly immoral, evil, lawless and violent place. Because of her sins, the modern-day nations of Israel (known as the house of Jacob) will go into the time of “Jacob’s trouble” as prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah.

19. In the end time Satan is cast down from heaven, knowing he has but a short time before the return of Jesus Christ to claim the Kingdoms of this world as His own. Satan will thus wreak havoc on the earth, subjecting humankind to the time of Great Tribulation foretold by the prophet Daniel and Jesus Christ.

20. Shortly before Christ’s return, God will exact His wrath on the world in a time known as the “Day of the Lord,” during which time the seven bowls of God’s wrath are fulfilled and the great armies gather for the battle of Armageddon.

Return of Christ

21. At the Seventh Trump, Christ will return and slay the armies who fight against Him. Those people who lived their lives filled with God’s Holy Spirit—known as the firstfruits or the saints—will be resurrected and stand with Christ on the Mount of Olives at His return.

22. Upon Jesus’ return, Satan will be bound and Christ will usher in a 1,000-year period known as the Millennium—wherein all people on earth will live by His laws and be under His government. The saints will serve as kings and priests and judges under Christ. It will be a time of worldwide peace, joy and abundance under Christ’s righteous rule.

The Great White Throne Judgment

23 At the end of the Millennium, the “rest of the dead” who never knew Jesus Christ—all those who have lived and died, and who now are “sleeping” in their graves [they have not ascended to heaven or had any consciousness since their death]—will be called to life by Jesus Christ. They will be resurrected and their minds opened to God’s truth and—upon repentance—offered salvation.

24. During this Great White Throne judgment period, they [the rest of the dead] will have an opportunity to choose God (“The Tree of Life’) or Satan’s or their own way (“The Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil”). Those who choose God and repent, will live and be offered eternal life. Those who reject God will be burned up along with the earth which purpose is now fulfilled. Such is the second, or eternal death.

A New Heaven and a New Earth

25. After the destruction of the earth, there will be “new heavens and a new earth.” God the Father will live on the new earth with those who overcame the world by the blood of the Lamb and who now have eternal life. Thus, salvation is made possible for all mankind by a loving, merciful and compassionate God—whose will it is that all repent (turn from their way to His way) and receive eternal life.

Thus completes the purpose for mortal, human life and the original creation. The rest of eternity awaits those who yield to and serve God with all their heart, soul and mind.

Contact us with questions

If you have any questions on the truths listed above, or are looking for biblical support of them, please search our website or write directly to us at

Rick Shabi

Rick Shabi was ordained an elder in 2000, and relocated to northern Florida in 2004. He attended Ambassador College and graduated from Indiana University with a Bachelor of Science in Business, with a major in Accounting. After enjoying a rewarding career in corporate and local hospital finance and administration, he became a pastor in January 2011. Since then, he and his wife Deborah have served in the Orlando and Jacksonville, Florida, churches. Rick served as the Treasurer for the United Church of God from 2013–2022, and was named President in May 2022.

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