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MP4 Video - 720p (80.71 MB)
MP3 Audio (672.35 KB)



MP4 Video - 720p (80.71 MB)
MP3 Audio (672.35 KB)

How are we supposed to wait on the Lord?



[Steve Myers] Wait just a minute. Have you ever been told that? Sometimes it can be very frustrating as we hope and we look forward to better times. But you know the Bible, throughout the Bible, right from the beginning all the way through you will find God talks about strengthening you in His might. That one thing we need to do as we look forward to His guidance in our life is what's found in Psalms 27.

In Psalms 27:14 it says, "Wait on the Lord. Be of good courage, and He shall strengthen your heart." It actually tells us there how to wait. When you read that word wait it means not just to hold on, but it means to trust and to hope and to eagerly expect that God will strengthen you.

And so we can look forward to that time that God absolutely will do this because He doesn't give any doubts. He says He shall strengthen your heart. And so wait on the Lord, but wait with expectation. Wait with hope. Wait with trust that He will come to your aid because it's His promise.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.