I was raised pagan and have always felt that the path chosen for me was the wrong one. I want to follow the right path but do not know where to start. I am not even sure that God will want me since I have been pagan for so long.

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I was raised pagan and have always felt that the path chosen for me was the wrong one. I want to follow the right path but do not know where to start. I am not even sure that God will want me since I have been pagan for so long.

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We're glad to hear that our publications and Web site have encouraged you to begin asking questions about God and His right way of life.

Rest assured that our Creator is determined to give everyone an opportunity for salvation (1 Timothy 2:3-4; 2 Peter 3:9), regardless of their background. It is definitely not too late for you. God has called and begun working with many people who are far older than you are now, and from far worse backgrounds. Notice Jesus' attitude: "Do not fear, little flock, for it is your Father's good pleasure to give you the Kingdom" (Luke 12:32).

To begin to follow the right path in life, often the first step is to firmly prove the existence of God. Two in-depth booklets on this subject, Life's Ultimate Question: Does God Exist? and Creation or Evolution: Does It Really Matter What You Believe?, are available free at our Web site, www.gnmagazine.org/booklets. Another important beginning task is to prove to yourself that the Bible is God's Word. Is the Bible True? (available free at the same Web site) addresses this important issue. These are basic questions that every person needs to address.

Another recommendation is our Bible Study Course. This 12-lesson course takes you systematically through all the major biblical doctrines. Still another valuable tool is our Bible Reading Program, which can be accessed at www.ucg.org/brp. You will discover that God has a plan and purpose for every human being. That includes you and your family. His awesome purpose for you is described in another free booklet, What Is Your Destiny?

Finally, we recommend another free publication that outlines the steps a person must take to develop a personal relationship with God. Request or download Transforming Your Life: The Process of Conversion. Please let us know if we can be of further assistance.