Question: Is it true that one does not help the homeless, the destitute and the poor by giving them something? They are helped by giving them a job with remuneration. Right?

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Is it true that one does not help the homeless, the destitute and the poor by giving them something? They are helped by giving them a job with remuneration. Right?

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The Bible contains many observations about the poor plus positive instructions on how they can best be helped. When ancient Israel came out of Egypt, God warned His people not to oppress the poor or take advantage of them (see Deuteronomy 15:1-15). And, remarkably, the Creator even instituted a periodic year of release in which debtors were forgiven their debts. All creditors were to have an attitude of concern for the poor (verse 9).

Nonetheless, God knows the realities of human nature. He understands our weaknesses and problems. He knew that "the poor will never cease from the land" (verse 11). Some simply would choose not to work, or would be unable to, or wouldn't or couldn't effectively manage their financial affairs. In any case, even our modern affluent societies still have large numbers of poor people. In spite of massive transfers of money over several decades, government programs and concerned citizens have not really stemmed the tide of poverty. Money alone does not solve the problem.

God's instruction to ancient Israel required them to care for the poor by various means, both national and personal. For example, farmers were told to leave the corners of their fields unharvested and not to glean all the grapes so that the poor could gather food for themselves through this source of sustenance (Deuteronomy 24:19-21). The principle applies even today. And at least to some small degree, our current welfare programs are loosely based on these ancient biblical laws.

Yet many today still fall through the cracks and need personal assistance. God requires a generous spirit that responds to genuine needs as we discern them, but which also guards against being duped by hucksters.

Two New Testament scriptures in particular speak to this issue. The apostle Paul wrote, "If anyone will not work, neither shall he eat" (2 Thessalonians 3:10). But he was not referring to those who were seriously disabled or could not work through no fault of their own. And we have long had unemployment problems, even in the prosperous West.

Paul also wrote: "Let him who stole steal no longer, but rather let him labor, working with his hands what is good, that he may have something to give to him who has need" (Ephesians 4:28).

So while your proposition is certainly correct, that it is better to give someone in need a paying job, the imperfections of our present society render this option as only a partial solution. In this present age of man, there will always be those who are genuinely prevented from working or otherwise unable to help themselves. To those we must open our hands generously as we are able.

Finally, God included help for the poor in His basic monetary laws. To understand this in detail, please request our free booklet What Does the Bible Teach About Tithing?


    We suffer in the UK with many people both male and female who have never worked although they are capable of labour. They live off the handouts of the social security system. Generations have grown in a family each passing on the ethos of getting something for nothing and complaining it isn't enough. Young people have grown up in families that have very little education because they have seen no need for it due to the social payments sustain them without working and therefore without the need for an education in order to find work. The reason for this situation is a lack of self respect and this stems from a lack of respect for God. A blind belief in evolution, the creation without a creator has killed off the knowledge of God. If there is no God then there is no afterlife and if there is no afterlife in the future there is no future and what we have here and now is final. We therefore see that there is nothing to aim for and we can live as we please as no judgement is forthcoming. Jesus assured us that we would always have the poor amongst us. We have to recognise that in many cases we must stop giving and start teaching, most will not be willing to listen but some will, a small minority, but then the church is made up of a small minority because we are not meant to be a great and successful church just a successful church and it is God who supplies the successes we receive.
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