Life Lessons: Jumping to Conclusions

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Life Lessons

Jumping to Conclusions

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A man was driving down a winding country lane when he came around a sharp curve and almost hit a car that was swerving all over the road.  He jerked the wheel as he barely missed it.  As they passed, the erratic driver shouted out the window, "Pig!"

Angrily the man managed to yell back, "Cow!"

For a brief moment, the man felt smug with his quick response.  He then sped around the next curve and slammed headlong into a large pig standing in the middle of the road.

How many times have you reacted in anger only to find out later that things were quite different from what you originally perceived?

King Solomon wrote three thousand years ago, "A fool shows his annoyance at once, but a prudent man overlooks an insult" (Proverbs 12:16 NIV).

Before losing your temper and jumping to conclusions, calm down, find out what is really going on, and you just might miss hitting a pig standing in the middle of the road.


  • elainesz
    An example for our tech-addicted world: stop impulsively Tweeting and put down the phone !!
  • Webelieve
    In the early 70s my friends? and I was out stealing gasoline from a junk yard. (forgiven)The owner caught us and I drove off fast! About 1/2 mile away -in a curve- there stood a white horse!!(LORD help us). 40 years later I thank our LORD for that white horse. Was it my imagination? I do not think so but I do know that I never stole anything again. Shalom and shalom. Please pray for the peace of Jerusalem.
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