In Brief... America's Greatest Problem

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In Brief... America's Greatest Problem

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"America's Greatest Problem: Not Crime, Racism or Bad Schools-It's Illegitimacy" is a chapter title in a bold book offered by Larry Elder, titled The Ten Things You Can't Say in America. Elder, an American black, reprinted a letter from a 30-year-old in his May 24th syndicated column that illustrates some of the long-term effects of this problem. The letter was a chilling presentation of the state of affairs for the American black male.

Written on the theme, "all of my friends are dying," the author described 10 of his friends as follows: "one is dead, nine are alcoholics, five are regular drug users, five are unemployed, none have college degrees and everyone has [the latest style of] clothes." He continues, "My friends and I were once 15-year-old boys drinking forties [40-ounce bottles of beer]. Can we, who are now grown, say something to the kids who are on the same path? Can we maybe do things differently inside of the home where our kids are watching our coping skills? ... I do not have all of the answers...but I do know all of my friends are dying."

Source: "More Dads, Less Crime," by Larry Elder, 2001 Creators Syndicate.