World News and Trends- Americans and Britons bored with monogamy

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World News and Trends- Americans and Britons bored with monogamy

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These days adultery is becoming big business in both America and Britain. According to the London Times, "Thousands of Britons have joined a [Web] site for the married but looking" (March 13, 2007).

"When Monogamy Becomes Monotony" (the popular label) began in early 2003 in North America and then jumped the Atlantic last year. The American site has more than a million members, and so far 13,000 Britons have signed up for the British counterpart. One man, a wealthy American, described his requirements this way: "I don't want a hooker. I want a nice girl who loves her husband." It's hard to believe anyone could actually say that.

Although 84 percent of Britons apparently believe that adultery is either always or mostly wrong, some seem to practice something different. Recent UK statistics show that nearly 25 percent of men and 15 percent of women have indulged in at least one full-blown extramarital affair. Some 61 percent of adulterous husbands and 45 percent of cheating wives claim that their affairs are unknown to their spouses.

Clearly those who indulge in such practices are breaking God's spiritual law governing marriage, as expressed by the Seventh and Tenth Commandments. The wrong use of technology has made it easier for these marital lawbreakers. What cheaters don't realize, however, is that God's law is self-enforcing. Eventually they will pay the penalty in unhappy marriages that often end in divorce.

Married readers who may be tempted to cross the line should request or download our free booklets Marriage and Family: The Missing Dimension and The Ten Commandments. (Source: The Times [London].)