United Church of God

Turning the Hearts...Communicate

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Turning the Hearts...Communicate

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Several quotations will give us the flavor of the topic: "The interchange of ideas between two or more persons" (anonymous). "Sharing one's thoughts and feelings with another/others through words, gestures or touch" (anonymous). "Any behavior that carries a message perceived by someone" (anonymous). "Communication is the process of sharing yourself, both verbally and nonverbally, in such a way that the other person can both accept and understand what you are sharing" (Wes Roberts and H. Norman Wright, Before You Say "I Do": A Marriage Preparation Manual for Couples, 1978, p. 52). From these quotes we may understand the meaning and value of communication. Communication involves sharing ideas and one's thoughts with others. It also has a lot to do with nonverbal gestures and attitudes. At times, gestures are unintentional; nonetheless, they do communicate something. I like the third quotation that says, "Any behavior that carries a message perceived by someone." You can't not communicate. In the family, the emphasis of communication needs to be on openness, sincerity and positivity. Children will learn how to communicate effectively or ineffectively from their experiences with the family. Take a survey of your actions and words, and ask yourself how much of the time you are positive and how much of the time you are negative. This will help you understand the degree of positive remarks that are made versus the negative ones. Being genuine and open are keys to effective communication. Withholding information is not conducive to effective, positive communication. God, our Heavenly Father, delights in hearing our communication with Him through our prayers (Proverbs 15:8). How much importance do we place on effective communication in our households? There needs to be open channels for communication to take place easily. Dinnertime is a great time to have good, open, sincere and positive communication. Recapping the day, congratulating each other on successes while giving support when disappointments occur—these are great ways to enhance the family bond. How we learn to communicate in our families will affect how we communicate with others in business, school and with our God. And in the future, when our children have their own families, they will be able to carry on the effective communication they learned at home! UN