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Biblical Personalities

"And what more shall I say? For the time would fail me to tell of Gideon and Barak and Samson and Jephthah, also of David and Samuel and the prophets..." (Hebrews 11:32).

The Bible is filled to the brim with all sorts of characters—peasants, kings, villains, heroes, prophets, priests, fishermen, servants, carpenters, tax collectors and just about every other personality you can imagine. Get to know some of them here.

  • by Robert H Berendt
Close to God, a leader in the Church, loved by so many—what could bring a man like him to tears?
  • by Graemme Marshall
A colored rope hanging from a window held great meaning for a woman in Jericho thousands of years ago. It also has special significance for us as Christians.
  • by Glenn Harrell
David, the youth who would become king of Israel, faced Goliath with sling in hand and stones he selected to use as ammunition. What can we today use in handling the challenges and difficulties we come up against?
  • by Vertical Thought
Always wondered about this fascinating group of people? Read on to discover more about the Philistines!
  • by David Treybig
Some find it perplexing that this man with all his faults is among the faithful of Hebrews 11 who are awaiting God's Kingdom. What did he do to deserve this distinction? What can we learn from his life?
  • by Dan Dowd
When all the options we can see go up in flames—what then?
  • by Robert H Berendt
God’s calling and purpose is sure. Through trials and suffering, we learn to trust God and build character, just as the patriarchs in the Bible did. They trusted God to guide their lives and followed Him through all circumstances in life in order to gain their reward of eternal life.
  • by Darlene Petersen
There is more than one kind of leadership. Some leaders are dictatorial, such as Nimrod, while others lead by example, such as Nehemiah.
  • by Graemme Marshall
How can we understand God’s testimony of King David as “a man after My own heart, who will do all My will” (Acts 13:22), when we see his failed family example?
  • by Judy Swanson
Have you ever wondered what it must have been like to have been the children or grandchildren of Deborah? She was placed in the highest position of power, with the consent of the people. She was one of very few women in history to have ever attained such public dignity and supreme authority.
  • by Graemme Marshall
If we live out our natural lives, one thing is sure: We will all get old. It’s a 100 percent certainty with no exceptions other than for those who die prematurely. Aging has its trials, but it also has many benefits.
  • by Steve McNeely
Today’s ambitious pursuit of excellence can be a double-edged sword. There’s much we can learn from a man Jesus considered great.
  • by Mario Seiglie, Scott Ashley, Tom Robinson
After 35 long years of searching (from 1972 to 2007), Israeli archaeologist Ehud Netzer thinks he has finally found his long-sought prize—the tomb of Herod the Great. If true, it sheds more light on this important biblical figure.
  • by John Fox
Only God can work in our hearts to bring about the thinking that produces spiritual words of life.