Proverbs: Using Kind Words

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Using Kind Words

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“Kind words bring life, but cruel words crush your spirit” (Proverbs 15:4, GNT).

This saying is particularly important for young people, since they are still forming their identity and are very sensitive to what is said about them. Colossians 3:21 says, “Fathers, do not provoke your children, lest they become discouraged” (NKJV). 

Speaking kind words is one of the richest gifts we have to give to others. Cultivating the godly frame of mind that leads to kind words also helps us to deal with the opposite, cruel words from others. An understanding attitude takes into account the shortcomings of others and tries to see their perspective and avoid being offended.

How are your words?


  • SandraMonroe

    I'm a New Christian THE holy spirit is working in, me. I literally have been raised negative. I blew,MY life coach mind when I ask for examples of positives thinking AND speaking. That's was when I first heard about affirmation. Literally BY the power of Christ PLUS my effort HE replaced MY negative self talk abuse WAS More truth.

  • katidye
    I love this article and I think more and more author's should contribute such meaningful articles and share them with us.
    God's word slowly changing my life. I hated so many people years ago but I did read your booklets derived from the Bible and found out that kind words erases hatred and befriended people all arond us. Now I feel I am healthy because my heart is always happy and glad. Thank you very much.
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