Bring out the Best

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Bring out the Best

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Bring out the Best

MP3 Audio (1.43 MB)

Tragedy gives us an opportunity to not only develop but to show our character.



[Steve Myers] Hurricane Sandy's devastation has been felt through the Caribbean, all the way up through the northeastern seaboard of the United States. So many people are suffering. They're faced with challenges and these challenges will continue for weeks to come. So how do we face challenges when there's so much suffering, when there are so many issues that we're trying to deal with in our life that are so overwhelming at times? You know, what do we do? Now, in the United States it is amazing how people have an opportunity to step up and so many times Americans do just that. America is known as the country that really does try to help and try to help other people to come out of these kinds of situations.

[Darris McNeely] Yeah, when these things hit it does bring out the best in people. Relief agencies spring into operation, Red Cross, private charitable through churches and other groups really are flooded with help - not only money but also goods that flow into these areas to help people with water and food and other necessities to recover. And it does bring out the best I think in people.

[Steve Myers] And that is an odd thing, isn't it? Because it really seems the opposite of the concept of suffering and such difficult challenges. And yet the opposite side of things is that it can bring out the best in people. And so do we take that challenge? We may not be the ones that are suffering with homes that are flooded. We experienced a little bit here in Cincinnati. We had a couple of servers go out during our Bible study, so the Bible study had some problems with that. And that's just a little minor thing. And we forget how interconnected we are and we need to be interconnected in this way that we can step up because we weren't affected like others. We have an opportunity. Can we pray for people? Can it bring out the best in us so that we are running to help support those that are hurting?

[Darris McNeely] There's a statement in Ephesians 2:10 that reminds us of the need to look for the best, do what we can. Paul writes, "We are His workmanship created in Christ Jesus for good works which God prepared beforehand that we should walk in them." And when we have the opportunity to do good to those that are close to us, those who agree with us or like us, or those who we don't even know but yet can in some small way even make a contribution. And if it's only through prayer and asking and beseeching the great God to show compassion and mercy and provide in so many different ways that we're not aware of, that's something we can do and should do.

[Steve Myers] So let's step up and help our neighbors. Let's step up and bring out the best in us. Let God allow us to do that. And of course allowing for the best means we've got to have the best relationship that's possible. And that's starting with the foundation of a relationship with God so God can work through us to bring out the best.

[Darris McNeely] That's BT Daily. Join us next time.