Featured Q&A Where Did Valentine's Day Come From? Is It Wrong for a Christian to Celebrate It? Like many of the world's major holidays, St. Valentine's Day is an annual observance with its roots entrenched firmly in pagan beliefs and customs. What would God think about Valentine's Day?
Secondary Q&A Is There a Prayer I Can Say to Receive Forgiveness? 3 minutes Do I Need to Ask For Forgiveness Everyday? 4 minutes Why Do I Struggle with Sins I've Repented Of? How Can I Overcome Sins? 4 minutes
Trending Secondary Q&A Is It Right or Wrong for a Christian to Celebrate Birthdays? 2 minutes Can One Be a Christian and Still Suffer Depression? 5 minutes Is There Any Point in Sharing My Faith With My Non-Christian Friends and Family? 3 minutes What Is the Purpose of the United Church of God? 2 minutes Is it better to be baptized before dating and marriage, or can you do both, just with the right timing and approach in mind? 2 minutes I feel so lonely and cut off from other teens. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only teenager on earth. Help! 2 minutes Why do other churches worship on Sunday rather than the seventh-day Sabbath? 2 minutes Do you believe that Jesus Christ was born of the virgin Mary? 2 minutes I am interested in being a coworker with you. Would you please advise? 4 minutes What did Paul mean by his desire to depart and be with Christ" in Philippians 1: 23? 2 minutes Pagination Current page 1 Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 … Next page Next › Last page Last »
Newest Newest Q&A Is It Right or Wrong for a Christian to Celebrate Birthdays? How Do We Count to the Day of Pentecost? How Does God Want to be Worshipped? What Is Truth? What Does True Commitment to Christ Look Like? What Is the Purpose of the United Church of God? Could Jesus Christ Have Sinned? Will Pope Francis Resign? Will there be a different pope that becomes the beast power? Should a Christian Learn Martial Arts? Is There Any Point in Sharing My Faith With My Non-Christian Friends and Family? Ask a Bible Question