Now is the time to examine ourselves and prepare ourselves spiritually to take the Passover again this year. Are you worthy to take the Passover? What does this word “worthy” mean? What can we learn by considering this important word and the spiritual concepts behind it?
This 11 part sermon series focuses on the word "agape" found several times in the Bible. What does this word mean and how can we learn to express this type of love? As Christians, why is agape so important as an attribute of the character of God to be striving for in our lives?
This sermon series was recorded in 2022 by Gary Petty.
This three-part sermon series will examine the biblical framework for authority, beginning with God's authority in part 1, civic authority in part 2, and interpersonal human relational authority in part 3.
A three-part series of this description in Revelation 17:14 of who will be with Jesus Christ at His return to help us to better understand this distinct feature of each of the three and the process by which they all work together.
People commonly speak of their conversion or how they really came to be converted, but what does that really mean? How does it apply to you and me?
In this series, we'll look at backgrounds and the history of Islam so that we can understand what is taking place in the world today.
This series is on the fifth and final discourse of Jesus in the book of Matthew. This discourse deals with the subject of judgment and is presented in Matthew 23-25.
All human conflict comes down to one: the need to be reconciled to God. How we solve that conflict will determine how we resolve all other conflicts. At the core of the ministry of reconciliation is God’s desire to restore us to a relationship with Him as His children.
The messages to the churches of Revelation 2 & 3 are given to us for a very important purpose. The problems in all these churches can be a part of each of our lives at any time in the day. It's important to understand what their problems were so we can avoid them. The historical background of each church is enormously helpful in fully grasping the message.
As Christians, we need to take to heart Christ’s words of His teaching in Matthew 5-7, known as the Sermon on the Mount, the most popular sermon ever. Here we find instructions, words from the Word of God, and the foundation upon which to build our spiritual house, our spiritual temple.
Christ Counsels His Church to Develop 7 Foundational Attitudes. The message to the 7 Churches teaches us seven basic attitudes that Christ wants for His Church to develop.
We must spend time with God in order to have a relationship with Him. In prayer, we need to be seeking God's will rather than merely presenting Him with a wish list. We need to pray for others in addition to ourselves and yearn for a relationship with God. The Bible has several prayers offered up by faithful men of God that we can study for examples of how we should pray.
What are spiritual gifts, and why does God give them to His people? How does He expect us to use them? This five-part series discusses the what, why, and how of spiritual gifts given by God.
A series on 1 Corinthians 12 and the spiritual gifts that God grants to the members of the Body to benefit the whole church.
A series that reviews some important points in the book of Revelation to better understand how the book is organized, to whom it's written, and what its real purpose is.
A series that looks deeper into the second resurrection. Are most of humanity destined to burn in Hell because they never heard about Jesus?
How is anything made holy? Can we as humans call something holy? The Ark of the Covenant was the holiest thing in all of Israel. It was the very symbol of the throne of God. How was it made holy? Where does the holiness come from?
We need to have a proper balance in discussing the return of Christ. An important thing is to understand what the Bible does say about events leading up to the return of Jesus Christ.