Day of Atonement: A Christian Holy Day

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Day of Atonement

A Christian Holy Day

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Day of Atonement: A Christian Holy Day

MP4 Video - 1080p (137.59 MB)
MP4 Video - 720p (82.99 MB)
MP3 Audio (2.55 MB)

The Day of Atonement is relevant to Christians today, representing a beautiful step in God's plan of salvation.


[Steve Myers] The Day of Atonement. Sounds kind of odd, especially to most Christians' ears. What is the Day of Atonement? Almost sound like it's Jewish. Well, many times people will turn to Leviticus 23 and point out the fact that it's listed there as a day we should observe. Many say no, it's just for the Jews or for the Israelites. What is amazing to notice is that in Leviticus 23, it immediately says, "These are the Feasts of the Lord." So, they're not feasts of Jews, they're not feasts of Israelites, they're God's feasts. And most don't even realize Atonement is also an important New Testament church festival. It's mentioned in the Book of Acts. Acts 27 mentions the fast, and that is referring to the Day of Atonement.

What happens on the day of Atonement, and why is it important for Christians today? Is it a Christian festival? Yeah, the answer is absolutely. There is no doubt. Luke, the New Testament writer, refers to the Day of Atonement, and when you recognize the spiritual meaning, on the Day of Atonement we're told to fast, which means we don't eat, we don't drink. Sounds like just a basic physical kind of a thing but the reality is it is a spiritual festival, and eating and drinking and staying away from that causes us to recognize our humanity. That we need food and drink if we're going to live a physical life. It definitely reminds us if we're going to live a spiritual life, we need God in us. We can't survive spiritually without God, in the same way we can't survive spiritually without food and drink.

And so, it points to a time that ultimately the whole human race will have an opportunity to be at one with God. In fact, it's kinda seen that way in English when you think of Atonement, we are going to ultimately be at one. We'll ultimately be at one with God and this festival points to that very theme, that ultimately Christ will return. He's going to return to this earth, and He will reconcile man to Himself. He made the Atonement for our sins. We deserve death and we can be at one because Christ atoned, paid the penalty for our sins.

But even more than that, here's the amazing part when it comes to Atonement. Yes, it pictures the forgiveness of sin. Yes, it pictures more than that, that when Christ returns He will remove the primary cause of sin, and that's Satan himself. When Christ returns, we're told in scripture, that Satan will be bound. For 1,000 years he'll no longer be able to influence mankind. And so, Atonement pictures that very fact. So, by fasting on this day, we draw closer to God and we recognize that that ultimate reconnection, that reconciliation with God can take place. So, Atonement, it's not a Jewish feast, it is a Christian festival that represents a beautiful step in the process of God's plan for all of mankind.

That's BT Daily. We'll see you next time.


  • Skip Miller
    Hello Deanie, Thanks for asking ! In Lev 23 where all God's Holy days are listed , in verses 26 to 32 we find directions for keeping the Day of Atonement. The main distinction that God states about this day is that we are to fast, --- no food or drink for 24 hours. Initially it may sound hard but after doing it for 50 years, you begin to realize that fasting has several good physical as well as spiritual blessings attached to it. Talk to one of us who regularly fasts.
  • Deanie
    How does one keep The Day of Atonement. Please give directions.
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