Finding Our Way

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Finding Our Way

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Finding Our Way

MP3 Audio (1.23 MB)

What direction are you going in life and what shows you the way?



[Steve Myers] Modern technology is amazing. So many people have GPS's and they program in where they want to go. They put in the address, press go and they follow that thing. And it takes them right where they want to be. In fact, most GPS's will show you the best way to go. And of course that leads us to a spiritual principle that's found in your Bible.

Did you know that the early New Testament Church was called the Way? You can see our fancy illustration that we have here. It's representative of the Way that we're supposed to live. Acts 24:14 the Apostle Paul wrote this, "But this I confess to you that according to the Way, which they call a sect, I worship the God of my fathers." So here the Apostle Paul makes it very clear that the way is not simply how to get to a different destination, but it's a way of life. It's a way to live.

So if you're going to be a part of the Way, part of God's way, how do we get to where we want to go?

Well, Jesus Christ tells us very plainly. He tells us over in John 14:6. He tells us that, "I am the way." Jesus Christ Himself is the way, the truth, and the life. So we have to be living with the mind of Christ. We have to have God's Holy Spirit in us if we are going to find the way that leads ultimately to eternal life. We must follow Jesus Christ. And of course it is an interesting analogy because this isn't just a hobby. This isn't just a walk in the park. This is a way of life. It is one way that leads ultimately to the Kingdom of God.

So it is a total life commitment to follow that road, to follow the path that leads to eternal life. And so when you begin to think about it, it is amazing what it says over in the Psalms. Psalms 119 and it's in verse 105. Psalm 119:105, it says "Thy word is a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path." And boy, you combine that with what Jesus Christ said. If we are going to follow Christ and we have Christ living in us then follow His word. God's word is going to light the way ultimately to the Kingdom of God.

So make that commitment. Program that in your spiritual GPS. And let's get on the way. Let's follow Jesus Christ, because ultimately eternal life lies right ahead.