The Rise of Atheism

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The Rise of Atheism

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The Rise of Atheism

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MP3 Audio (1.39 MB)

The biggest religion in America today is atheism. What effect is this having on our society?


[Darris McNeely] So guess what the largest religious group in America happens to be right now? I was surprised, it's atheists. Over 23% of those polled say that they are atheists and that's now become the dominant religion in the United States. While mainline religions have declined a great deal in recent years, and again, that's not big news, the rise of those who are agnostic, atheistic, not believing in God is increasing, becoming dominant in our culture today. 

Really, that should not be surprising because there's something else that's been happening and I've been reading a great deal about this lately and that is because of the stresses of life, because of a lot of the problems and disorders that are a part of our culture that have been on the increase, suicide rates increasing, health rates declining among certain segments of the American society. To see that atheism is becoming the dominant faith as we would call it, should not be surprising because what we're looking at is a cultural decline in America and other parts of the world but in America, particularly as this is being watched and this is creating a great deal of disorder and problems. When you have situations like this where one in six Americans take antidepressant drugs and nearly one in five American adults suffer from anxiety disorders then to see that atheism is the dominant faith, we shouldn't be surprised. 

Where might you fall on that? Where might someone that you know fall on that as well? We are living in a very interesting time, we're living in a period where materialism is producing a materialistic society and a focus away from God. We are watching a licentious society worship sex, a culture that doesn't worship God is going to slide in that direction and that's where we are at this particular time. 

What is really needed in our world at this time is what we see in 2 Timothy 1 where we see that the spirit of God produces a mindset and a faith and a confidence of power and love and a sound mind. When we can focus in on that, all these others can begin to be put aside but atheism that will not find itself in that direction. We're living in a very interesting period of time and the decline in health and other problems that certain parts of our society can be directly traced to this decline in faith.

That's BT Daily. Join us next time.


  • NonStampCollector
    Just for clarity: Atheism is NOT a religion or "faith". It is the absence of a believe in a god, the very opposite of faith or religion. Not playing football isn't a sport. Not collecting stamps isn't a hobby. Not smoking isn't a habit. Atheism is the default position and is a term that should not even exist.
  • Shasta@7
    Regarding BT Daily "The Rise of Atheism" is spot on. An interesting comment was made about the "Self Made Man" creating God in our image. Reminds me of a verse in Timothy of have a form of godliness but denying His power. Another about the cruelty of man, the cruelty of Satan and the absence of God. Human nature being what it is would rather blame rather than take responsibility and accountability. Still the question remains where is God when it hurts. It's a sincere question I hope can be addressed by hurting people. Seems our age, even with technologically, we transitionalize from the philosophies of human kind to various types of governments then onto business and commerce. Very good BT Daily
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