Angels: God's Messengers and Spirit Army
Angels: God's Messengers and Spirit Army
The truth about angels has been twisted and distorted into a confusing assortment of fables and myths. People have wanted their senses titillated, and they like to hear smooth things that lack true spiritual substance. So often there is a constant barrage of falsehood, against which even true Christians must guard their thoughts, actions and beliefs.
Many people assume a lot when it comes to the angelic realm. They carelessly base their beliefs on what they’ve always heard or what sounds good.
There are some right ideas among the various portrayals and descriptions but also many misconceptions.
What ought we to think about angels? What’s the real story? Where can we turn to know for sure?
For the truth about angels we must turn to the God who made them—and made everything else as well. And what He says is found in His Word—the Holy Bible. What, then, does the Bible actually say about angels?
Inside this Bible study aid, Angels: God's Messengers and Spirit Army, you will discover what the Scriptures have to tell us about the fascinating subject of angels!
Request your FREE copy today!
Many people assume a lot when it comes to the angelic realm. They carelessly base their beliefs on what they’ve always heard or what sounds good to them. (p. 3).
The angels’ beginning was far back in time, before mankind was created—before the earth was even formed. (p.7).
Some have taught that this refers to fallen angels interbreeding with human women to produce half-demon giants. But there’s a more rational explanation. (p. 14).
Perhaps one of the oddest depictions of angels is as winged infants, these being referred to as cherubs. They are nothing like the biblical cherubim—powerful, exotic, four faced beings. And in fact, there are no baby-like angels in all of Scripture. (p. 19).
And interestingly, the Bible shows that there are different classifications of angels too—not all are alike! (p. 29).
While angels are spirit beings, they often minister or serve in very physical ways. Specifically, they minister to those called to be God’s people today. (p. 37).
We headed right into the path of an oncoming car. I closed my eyes, anticipating the impact—but it never happened. (p. 45).