How Should We Relate to Our Maker?
Perhaps there is no more crucial matter that humans face when they arise every day than the matter of whether God exists. The seminal issue that has been for decades a spirited issue of discussion between those who believe that all things are here because of the Master creative strokes of an omnipotent God and those who believe that somehow it all just occurred by blind chance, is not limited to matters of academics.
The same Being who claims to address humanity in the pages of the Bible also issues a call for us to love, honor, respect and obey Him. Most all people—regardless of their beliefs regarding God's existence—hold to the belief that societies need standards that regulate moral behavior. They generally recognize this as essential in order to prevent anarchy and a lack of moral responsibility. Scarcely anyone would want to live in a world where lawlessness was flagrantly allowed and lauded—a society where there was no recrimination or demand for justice. It is good that humanity in general shares this view.
It is regrettable that on both the personal and national scales, human beings often fall short of these laudable standards. On the personal level we see it manifested in the existence of crime and the lack of adherence to moral standards in interpersonal affairs. On the national and international level, one of the chief symptoms is the toll of bloody wars and pogroms that have stained history.
Sometimes in the annals of history, people have been brought before human tribunals to give account for their misdeeds. Sometimes justice has been fairly well served, and on other occasions, not very well.
When we consider the matter of God's existence, it is most vital that we realize that in due time all will be called before God's Justice Seat. "For we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ, that each one may receive the things done in the body, according to what he has done good or bad" (2 Corinthians 5:10). When that time occurs, the issue will be how we have lived with respect to God's laws of morality, the chief structure of which is the Ten Commandments. The outcome of that time of judgment will determine our eternal reward.
God does not compromise His standards; but He is a God of mercy. He knows that we are all imperfect and that we all sin (Romans 6:23). The good news is that there is forgiveness of sin through Jesus Christ, and we can be presented before God as though we had not sinned—provided we seek ongoing repentance.
As we contemplate God's existence and the proofs thereof, we should also seek to build a personal relationship with Him as the spiritual Lawgiver, to whom we owe wholehearted humble obedience.