Welcome to Tacoma, WA!

We have services every Saturday at this location at 1:00 pm from Autumn through Spring. For the summer we change to a morning service at 11 am to enjoy a cooler service during the hotter months.

For information on meeting locations, times, and activities, see our Google calendar, here:

https://bit.ly/UCGTacOlycalendar (click on the link or copy and paste into your browser)

To watch a live-stream of our Sabbath services, see our YouTube channel, here:

https://www.youtube.com/@UnitedChurchOfGod-Tacoma (click on the link or copy and paste into your browser)


We welcome all who desire to meet peacefully with us on the Sabbath day. Our belief in worshipping God on the seventh day of the week, Saturday, is derived from both the Old Testament commandment to "Remember the Sabbath day, to keep it holy" (Exo. 20:6), but also from creation week, when God himself rested on the seventh day from his work and sanctified or set the day apart as holy (Gen. 2:3). The new testament shows that, after the death of Jesus Christ, his disciples also kept the seventh day sabbath (Acts 17:1-4, Acts 18:1-11).

We also believe that God reveals his plan of salvation for all of mankind through His (Lev. 23:1-2) annual holy days (Lev. 23:3-44). These "feasts of the Lord," including Passover, the Days of Unleavened Bread, Pentecost, Trumpets, Atonement, the Feast of Tabernacles, and the Eighth Day, reveal that God has thought out every detail necessary to bring us into his eternal spiritual family and future son's and daughters. 

Come join us on our spiritual journey as we overcome sin in ourselves and the world around us today, and prepare for our future roles as kings and priests serving the King of Kings and Lord of Lords at his return.

Friendly and Enthusiastic

We are a friendly, enthusiastic congregation that strives to follow the example of Jesus Christ. What’s most important to God is most important to us. It's about loving relationships - first with God the Father and Jesus Christ and also with each other. Loving God, sharing His truth and loving people like you, is a simple way to say what we’re all about.

Ocean view at sunset

Visit Us Soon!

I hope and pray you will enjoy our site, check out our biblical teachings, and get to know us. You can learn a lot about our church by spending some time browsing our site, yet, there’s nothing like visiting in person to learn more about the United Church of God. I hope you will come be our guest, and experience our church firsthand. I look forward to meeting you when you do. Until then, may God richly bless you.