Good News Magazine: November - December 1999

Table of Contents

3 minutes
Will humanity ever experience lasting peace?
15 minutes
Excitement builds as we approach the dawn of a new millennium. But what's so special about a new millennium, and what should the new millennium mean...
2 minutes
These scriptures paint a picture of what Christ's rule on earth will be like.
10 minutes
What key trends should we expect to see when we compare the state of the world with prophesies in the Bible?What key trends should we expect to see...
6 minutes
As we approach the threshold of a new millennium, what does the Bible say to those who count on the end of the world occurring around New Year's Day...
10 minutes
What will the map of Europe look like in the coming years? What city appears destined to shape the future of Europe?
2 minutes
Today the Reichstag is the centerpiece of the new Berlin. It sets an architectural standard that should last well into the 21st century. The original...
1 minute
On June 20, 1991, the Bundestag decided to move the German capital from Bonn, where it had been for 40 years, to the traditional city of the German...
A Bible on the lap of a man.
17 minutes
Many legends have sprung up about Jesus Christ during the 2,000 years since His birth. Can the Bible help us separate fact from fiction? Does it offer...
8 minutes
Almost everybody wants to be considered normal. But what is normal? Should we always want to be normal?
14 minutes
In the September-October Good News we examined historical and archaeological evidence that helps us better understand the time in Judea when Jesus...
8 minutes
In this last issue of 1999 we review the state of the world as the year draws to a close. Join us as we take a brief tour to spots on the globe that...
Illustration of Mary and Martha
8 minutes
In a world filled with distractions, the story of Mary and Martha can help you set your life in order.
7 minutes
You can learn more from tests than you might think.