Beyond Today Magazine: May–June 2021

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For the last year the world has dealt with the scourge of Covid-19, a disease that has dominated the headlines as well as our individual lives. Yet a far deadlier plague infects our world, exacting a far greater death toll and ruining far more lives. That plague is abortion—the deliberate killing of the unborn in some the most horrifying ways imaginable. How does God—the giver of life—view this taking of the most innocent of life? How does abortion affect those who have one? You need to understand the biblical perspective on these important questions, and you’ll find answers in the pages of this issue of Beyond Today. 

Table of Contents

A dad playing with his kids.
16 minutes
A devastating epidemic is leaving a trail of broken hearts and broken dreams in its wake. What is this tragic outbreak? It’s the epidemic of...
An old hand knocking on a old wooden door.
7 minutes
Following a rundown of events leading to His return, Jesus Christ gave three critical parables about our ultimate encounter with Him. The first...
A man and woman holding a baby.
4 minutes
God is actually creating a family—reproducing Himself— through mankind. This is why we were created and why we are born!
A graphic illustration of a shrug shoulders.
7 minutes
The memory of a man who rejected worry, as God instructs us, helps us to do the same.
A baby fetus.
18 minutes
A deadly yet silent killer rages throughout the world. Every year it takes more than 40 million precious human lives. Just what is this terrible...
Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2021 issue.
4 minutes
Readers of Beyond Today magazine share their thoughts in the May/June 2021 issue.
A sad woman sitting on the floor in a hallway.
7 minutes
The sin of abortion often leads to years of terrible regret, guilt and shame. Yet through God there is forgiveness, love and hope. A woman shares her...
A woman holding a baby.
14 minutes
Unwanted pregnancies can be painful on many levels for all involved. What can you do if you find yourself or a loved one in this situation?
A United States of America and Chinese flag.
9 minutes
An overview of events and conditions around the world featured in the May/June 2021 issue of Beyond Today.
A person's hand holding heads of wheat.
11 minutes
God is not trying to save the world now. He is calling only a few to the first of future harvests.