What should we do when the Bible appears to disagree with science?

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The Bible and science are not in conflict, even if modern thinking tends to pit them against each other. Faith in God is compatible with the facts of science.

In the last few centuries man's inquisitive nature has teamed up with his increasing ability to record, analyze and share what he has learned, resulting in a staggering increase of knowledge. Amazingly, the Bible foretold this knowledge explosion as a hallmark of our modern society long before our technological and scientific advances could have been imagined (Daniel 12:4).

Some people believe that much of recently acquired knowledge disagrees with the Bible, particularly in the areas of biology, anthropology, geology and astronomy. It is precisely this perception—of science contradicting Scripture—that has led many people to doubt the accuracy and authority of the Bible.

At first glance we see what appears to be a collision course of revelation with science. We think we must choose between physical, scientific evidence and the claims of Scripture. Our resulting quandary may distress us. But the Bible itself encourages us to find answers, to review all the relevant information before reaching a conclusion (1 Thessalonians 5:21; Proverbs 18:13). We find that true scientific knowledge does not disagree with the Bible. Nor does the Bible contradict proven scientific discoveries.

It is important to keep in mind that some of what is taught as "science" today is not proven fact, but rather theories. And when the theories postulated are based on the assumption that there is no God, the conclusion is false, even though it may be declared as "science." Romans 1:18-25 describes those who—in spite of the prolific evidence for a Creator—refuse to acknowledge God and profess themselves to be wise teachers of truth. We address some of the assumed conflicts between science and the Bible in the booklet Is the Bible True?

God encourages us to learn and discover the truth, and the Bible also urges us to keep an open mind lest we end up rejecting the truth. Many people assume that the Bible says certain things that it doesn't really say. Others hold fast to a mind-set prejudiced against the Scriptures because of what they imagine is a mountain of evidence contradicting the biblical record.

Sadly, it will be difficult for such people to give the Bible a fair hearing. But they should emulate the noble and open-minded approach of the people of the city of Berea as recorded in the book of Acts. The Bereans were "more fair-minded" than those in other areas. As a result, "they received the word with all readiness, and searched the Scriptures daily to find out whether these things were so" (Acts 17:11).

We encourage you to similarly search out the truth, objectively examining the evidence to see whether the Bible is indeed what it claims to be: the inspired Word of God.


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