Beyond Today Bible Commentary: Hosea

The prophet Hosea was contemporary with Amos, both having preached during the reigns of Uzziah of Judah and Jeroboam II of Israel (Hosea 1:1; Amos 1:1). But Hosea tells us that his ministry also spanned the reigns of Judah's kings Jotham and Ahaz, ending in the reign of Hezekiah (Hosea 1:1). Though not mentioned, this means that he also witnessed the reigns of the last six of Israel's kings.

Table of Contents

5 minutes
Hosea's family a type of God's relationship with Israel
5 minutes
Hosea catalogs Israel's sins
4 minutes
Israel and Judah warned of impending judgment
6 minutes
Eventual repentance, but not until then
4 minutes
Coming destruction
5 minutes
Israel's idolatry
4 minutes
Israel will be judged
6 minutes
National punishment for sin
5 minutes
God's love for Israel will bring Israel back
4 minutes
God brings charges against Israel and Judah
7 minutes
Destruction imminent, repentance and restoration