Why a Penny Could Still Have Big Value for You

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There is one simple reason why a penny could still have big value for you.

These days a penny seems almost worthless, and there’s lots of talk about going to a cashless society. When you can so easily flash a credit or debit card, having them jingling in your pocket makes hardly any cents—and some would say hardly any sense. But there is one simple reason why a penny could still have big value for you.

Are you guessing that I might be talking about collecting them in a big jar, taking it to the automatic counting machine at your supermarket, and then turning it in as a donation to your favorite charity?

That would be a thought surely worth assent!

But no, I’m talking about a reason why I will still zealously stoop down to pick up a penny every time I see one on the ground. Dingy or shiny, it’s well worth the effort.

Because it will inspire me to read the four foundational words above President Abraham Lincoln’s head: "IN GOD WE TRUST."

The just shall live by faith and a good definition of faith is relaxed trust in God. In the Old Testament the concept of faith was translated “trust” (Hebrew batach) in 154 places.

Spotting a penny a day and reading its inscription reminds me that God “mint” us to have relaxed trust in Him.


Robert Curry and his wife Mary live in Canon City, Colorado and have three daughters and one son.  Robert serves in the Colorado Springs congregation.  He enjoys writing for UCG publications and writing a personal blog.


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