Compass Check: Fall 2021

The Feast of Tabernacles of course represents the time when Jesus Christ will begin His rule over the entire world. Have you ever considered what kind of changes it will really bring about? In this issue, we’ll talk about this very subject!

And speaking of change, most people who have been baptized would agree that it was a life-changing event for them. Maybe you’ve thought about baptism, but the whole prospect seems scary and you aren’t sure how to begin the process. In this issue, we’ll talk about that process and show that there’s nothing to be frightened of.

Like baptism, marriage is a life-changing event. Which begs the question, what should I consider when I begin dating? Does it matter whom I date, and what they believe? We’ll talk about that in this issue as well!

Along with all those topics, we’ll ask (and answer!) what would Jesus eat? And, what does the Bible have to say about mental health?

Lastly, we’re introducing a new feature in this Compass Check: “Notes on the Way.” In this new, regular feature, we will be interviewing members of the Church who have graduated high school and are navigating their life’s work. Their experiences might help answer some of your questions about life after high school and encourage you to pursue your goals, whatever they are!

Table of Contents

a happy woman against a bright sunny sky
10 minutes
The Bible has much to say about mental health.So here are five principles of mental health to stimulate discussion, reflection, prayer and meditation.
Up-close macro photo of water in motion
9 minutes
You’ve probably heard a lot of people talk about baptism. Perhaps you’ve begun to think about it yourself. Maybe you even understand what it means and...
Illustrated fruits and vegetables on a solid blue backdrop
7 minutes
Although the origin of COVID-19 is still being determined, there have been quite a few other deadly outbreaks over the past several decades traced...
A gorgeous landscape photo of Kirkjufell in Iceland at sunset.
6 minutes
The Feast of Tabernacles is first and foremost a Festival of God and a Festival that has a purpose. That purpose is to remind us of a future time...
a man and woman in silhouette against a city skyline and starry sky, holding hands and leaning back mid-twirl
6 minutes
Yep, another article about dating outside the Church, but this one is from someone with relevant experience! Read it, there is valuable insight to be...
An assortment of items flat laid on a table, including a camera, a notebook, and sunglasses
3 minutes
Before they were called Christians, early followers of Jesus Christ were known as those of “the Way” (Acts 9:2; 11:26; 19:9,23; 22:4). Interestingly...
portrait of Jacob Mammen in front of a mountainous backdrop
6 minutes
Jacob Mammen has served at a ton of camps over the years—you might’ve met him! We’re kicking off this series with a profile of him because he’s well...