Compass Check: Spring 2020

It's hard to believe, but Compass Check is celebrating its fifth birthday. In this special anniversary issue, you'll find our first installment of the new "Dear Compass Check" column addressing a question about Passover and its relevance to those who aren't baptized yet. And take a stroll down memory lane with our editor's note about the past five years, along with exciting plans for the future of the magazine.

Plus, continue the exploration of how your mind and body can outdo any supercomputer in Part 2 of "iHuman." You'll read how the Holy Spirit is kind of like an operating system upgrade that you don't want to miss out on.

You'll also find a story about someone who almost risked everything to gain the attention of her crush. She has some wise words looking back on the experience. And don't miss Part 3 of our in-depth review of prophecy in the Bible and how it relates to your life today.

Don't forget to email your questions, comments and topics of interest to: We'd love to hear from you! 

Table of Contents

Wouldn't Trade it for the World graphic
6 minutes
Life is filled with trades. We trade our time and our talents for wages, and then we take that money and trade it for various goods and services we...
Trying Too Hard To Be Noticed image
5 minutes
Sometimes we leap forward without really considering the consequences. This can cause problems we might never consider and may even be dangerous.
Understanding prophecy part 3, the davidic covenant
11 minutes
How God's promise to David helps us understand current world conditions, and the future events foretold in prophecy.
Dear Compass Check Spring 2020
3 minutes
And not old enough yet to be considering baptism?
Five years of Compass Check
3 minutes
After five years, Steve Nutzman writes his final Compass Corner as Editor of Compass Check.
iHuman 2.0 graphic
11 minutes
Your "operating system" is flawed. There is an upgrade available, however: the Holy Spirit.