There’s probably been no bigger change in the world over the last 12 months than the recent eruption of violence in the Middle East. As you sort through understanding this conflict, it’s good to ask yourself, How would Jesus look at those affected?
Once we understand how Jesus would view things, we have an opportunity to act. Even though difficult things surround us, we can be of great service by encouraging others in all sorts of ways. In this issue of Compass Check, Kevin Kenady shares how a summer of lifeguarding helped him be contagious with very positive results.
One of the ways to deal with any challenge is to keep yourself motived on the end goal. In another article, we’ll explore not only what things motivate us, but also how our journey to the Kingdom of God is like a treasure hunt and how we can have big dreams to lead us to big goals.
Finally, one of the biggest challenges we face in life is witnessing hypocrisy. Sad to say, it even exists in church from time to time. How do we deal with it and what can we do to keep it from being such a big problem that it tempts us to quit coming to church?