United Church of God

Women’s Enrichment Weekend in Canby, Oregon

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Women’s Enrichment Weekend in Canby, Oregon

The theme of the weekend was “the gift of forbearance.” Presentations, sermons on the Sabbath and group discussions/projects centered on forbearance. 

Ladies shared their personal experiences in which they learned to exercise forbearance including: caring for children/relatives with disabilities, bearing with a mate who is not called, having forbearance as a mom or a teacher, forbearance and love for other ladies in the Church with various backgrounds and personalities, forbearance of an accident, loss of a loved one and health problems.

The ladies enjoyed a silent auction that was anything but silent. There was a lot of happy chatter as ladies enjoyed looking at items for sale and good-naturedly trying to outbid one another. The amount raised was $1,370 and was given to the Good Works Disaster Relief Fund. The Women’s Enrichment Weekend was an enjoyable, unifying and spiritually-uplifting weekend.