United News: May - June 2017

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In this May - June issue of the United News there is information and blueprints on the new video recording studio that will be added to the home office building. Also covered is the conclusion of the Beyond Today Live series in Kansas City, Kansas, and St. Louis, Missouri. There are new hires in the home office who are introduced and several updates in various places throughout Africa. ABC held their annual charity auction recently. Also, there are several announcements, local church updates, and The Good News articles. 

Table of Contents

Our comission is to preach the gospel to as many people as possible. One way we are able to achieve this is through technology.
6 minutes
Ours is a work of spreading the gospel around the world! We have a divine, scriptural commission to preach the good news of God’s Kingdom to as many...

Cincinnati Young Adult Weekend

The second annual Living 1835 Young Adult Weekend was a success! Just over 100 participants traveled from states such as Indiana, Iowa, Pennsylvania and even as far as Arizona to attend and enjoy the experience on the weekend of March...
Do we let our light shine in the world? God expects us to let the light He gave us shine.
3 minutes
The 16-year-old grocery store box boy felt invisible and unimportant...

Our Duty to Love and Serve Others

Our job is, quite literally, to love people.

Southwest Missouri Women’s Enrichment Weekend

Approximately 45 women gathered from across the region for the Southwest Missouri seventh annual Women’s Enrichment Weekend in Nixa, Missouri. One woman commented that it was the best ever.

A Great Conclusion to a Great Series!

Beyond Today Live in Kansas City, Kansas, and St. Louis, Missouri.

2017 Troyer's Hollow Campout Weekend

The North Canton and Cambridge, Ohio, congregations are sponsoring their annual Troyer’s Hollow campout and young adult weekend over the weekend of June 23-25, 2017.

Garden Grove Holy Day Cookies

The talented artist of the Garden Grove congregation.

Are you a graduating senior?

Send in a bio and photograph to be featured in United News.
Have you ever been at odds with a friend in the church? We must keep in mind that Christ is working with each individual and with Christ we can tear down the walls that separate us.
6 minutes
In first-century Judea, the Jewish world was incredibly fragmented.

2017 Annual ABC Charity Auction

After many weeks and months of planning, canvassing and practicing, the ABC class of 2017 put on the annual charity auction and live show at the home office.

Portland Women’s Enrichment Weekend

The Portland Women’s Enrichment Weekend took place Feb. 24-26, 2017. About 92 women attended.
What makes the human mind so amazing is the human spirit. Also known as, the spirit of man.
7 minutes
Let’s be glad that we have the spirit of man, which gives us marvelous minds and that gives us the opportunity to receive the indwelling gift of God’s...

The Dedication of the Church Building in Chipata

The dedication and the official opening of a church building to the Lord in Chipata went well on March 4, 2017.
Our focus must not only be on stopping the sin. We must also walk forward, striving to be Christ-like and allow God to change us.
8 minutes
Letting go is not simply a matter of passively disengaging from life, focusing solely on quitting sin. It is a matter of yielding to the will of God...

Ann Arbor, will Celebrate 50 Years

We invite you to come and celebrate 50 years with us on July 22, 2017.

Ladies Are Encouraged at Garden Grove’s Women’s Enrichment Weekend

There were 120 ladies, mostly from Southern California, but some from Arizona, Oregon, Nevada and Washington, who experienced an outstanding Women’s Enrichment Weekend on Jan. 27-29, at the beautiful Embassy Suites in Santa Ana, California.
Do we miss the message when reading the Bible? Focus on the fact that the Bible makes its own point.
8 minutes
The message from God doesn’t turn on a word. The understanding is in the context of the whole Bible.

The Dedication of the Church Building in Chipata

The dedication and the official opening of a church building to the Lord in Chipata went well on March 4, 2017.

Art Request for Greeting Cards

Some of you may have noticed greeting cards being sold at your Feast of Tabernacles site this past year. You may have wondered, “What is this youth card project all about

Gary Petty Puts Himself In the Running for Pie in Face at Nashville Preteen Camp Fundraiser

As part of an annual fundraiser to supplement funding for preteen Camp NaCoMe (formerly Tomahawk), local pastor Gary Petty bravely put himself in the running for a pie in the face, alongside local members Matt Puckett and Tim Franke.

Columbia Maryland Chili Cook-off

It had been over five years since the Columbia, Maryland, congregation had their last chili cook-off, and it was time to have another one!
The green shows where the addition of the new studios will be placed on the building.
2 minutes
Architectural plans have now been drawn up for the construction of the new video recording studio at the home office.

Rwanda and Burundi Visit Report

The following is a report of my visits to Rwanda and Burundi. These countries are now within the East Africa Community of Nations, and the church and prospective members happen to be overseen from the office in Nairobi.

New Hires at the Home Office

The Church has hired a few new employees over the past several months. Each new hire holds various responsibilities in the office, and each one appreciates the impact they make.