Worry-Free Living
Many of us have a tendency to worry too much! An old proverb says, “Worry is interest paid on trouble before it is due.” Undoubtedly, most of our fears are unjustified and often get the best of us. So why are we, at times, a little fearful?
It may be because we don’t fix our eyes on the sparrow. In the Bible, the Hebrew word for sparrow refers to a small bird. In the book of Matthew, this word likely refers to a house sparrow—common and well-known in Palestine. These birds were small, seemed to be everywhere, and generally not difficult to spot or catch. Because of this, they were sold at rock-bottom prices—perhaps equivalent to just a few cents in today’s money. Jesus points to this in Matthew 10:29, saying, “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? And not one of them will fall to the ground without your Father’s will.”
What was Christ’s point? He wanted us to understand that if our Heavenly Father cares for something so common, so inexpensive, and so small, then He certainly cares for us even more!
When we realize how deeply God loves us, we can live out the truth of 1 John 4:18: “There is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear.” God wants us to live fearless lives, fully trusting in His care and provision. It’s true that, “We cannot change the past, but we can ruin a perfectly good present by worrying about the future.” We must not let worry steal our peace or distract us from living in the present, where God is always with us.
Trusting our captain
I’m reminded of the story of a ship caught in a terrible storm at sea. The winds howled and the waves crashed violently against the vessel. Lightning flashed, and thunder rumbled through the sky, sending a sense of dread among the passengers. As the storm worsened, the crew worked frantically, preparing the lifeboats and getting ready to abandon ship. The air was thick with panic, as passengers scrambled in fear, unsure of what to do, and filled with anxiety about their fate.
In the midst of all this chaos, however, one little girl sat calmly in a corner of the ship, playing quietly with her dolls. She didn’t seem to notice the fear around her or the growing turmoil outside. Concerned passengers, seeing her unaffected by the storm, approached her and asked, “Aren’t you afraid? The storm is getting worse, and the ship is in danger! Why aren’t you scared?”
The little girl looked up from her dolls, her expression peaceful and serene, and simply replied, “Because my father is the captain.”
Her words were simple, but they carried a profound truth. She knew that her father—who was in control of the ship, who commanded the crew and directed their actions—was the one who would guide them safely through the storm. She trusted him completely, confident that he would do everything in his power to keep her and everyone else safe. Her trust in her father’s authority and ability calmed her, even in the midst of the worst of the storm.
The storms of life
Just as the little girl trusted her father to lead her safely through the storm, we can trust in our Heavenly Father to guide us through the storms of life. No matter how fierce the winds may blow or how overwhelming the waves may seem, we can have peace, knowing the Captain of our salvation is in control. We may face challenges, but we can trust that Jesus Christ is at the helm. As long as we keep our lives focused on Him, we need not be afraid. His love, like the sparrow’s place in His care, assures us that He will never leave us or forsake us (Hebrews 13:5).
Let’s remind ourselves daily of God’s faithfulness. When life’s storms feel daunting, let us take a deep breath and rest in the knowledge that our Heavenly Father is fully in control. As we do, we can find peace and embrace the worry-free life He desires for us.
Have a peaceful, worry-free Sabbath.
—Steve Myers, Operation Manager, Ministerial and Member Services
Helping the Church Preach the Gospel With Social Media
Social media is an incredible tool for sharing the gospel, and it gives all of us a simple way to be part of this important mission. By sharing UCG and Beyond Today content on your social media profiles, you’re helping spread the good news in a way that’s personal and meaningful.
Platforms like Facebook and Instagram allow us to reach our friends, family and followers effortlessly. Your posts could be the connection point that God uses to inspire someone to explore His truth.
Sharing is simple and flexible
Simply post our content on your Facebook feed or Instagram story. If you prefer not to share publicly, consider sending a link privately to a Facebook group, or in a direct message to someone who might benefit from an article, video or message.
Sharing doesn’t mean your page is entirely taken over by Church content. Rather, it’s about using opportunities to share that which resonates with you and could touch someone else’s life as well.
Amplifying our reach
When you share our Sabbath greetings, sermons, articles, Biblical Worldview videos, Beyond Today content, and short videos and reels, you’re amplifying the reach of these resources.
In 2024 alone, UCG’s YouTube Shorts and Facebook Reels achieved over 1.2 million views, much of which came from people like you sharing them with your networks. These moments of sharing create opportunities for conversations and connections, making the gospel message accessible to more people.
To help support this effort, make sure you’re connected to our official social media accounts:
Facebook: United Church of God | Beyond Today | UCG Short Films
Instagram: @unitedchurchofgod | @beyondtoday.tv | @magnified_ucg | @jelly_ucg
By following these accounts, you’ll have access to engaging and thought-provoking biblical content to share with your friends and family. Together, we can use social media to expand the gospel’s reach and inspire others to learn more about God’s truth.
As Philippians 2:15–16 reminds us: “Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.”
When we share God’s truth, we reflect His light to others, offering hope and guidance in a world that often feels dark. Let’s take this opportunity to do our part together.
—Elizabeth Bissessar, Digital Content Producer, Media and Communications Services
2025 NW Regional Teen Formal
You are cordially invited to the 2025 NW Regional Teen Formal, taking place over Memorial Day Weekend, May 23–25, 2025. Save the date and join us in Salem, Oregon for three days of spiritual instruction, fellowship and fun!
The theme of the weekend is “Consider the Lilies,” and we look forward to exploring this scriptural principle through our teen seminars and messages on the Sabbath. We have a number of activities and fellowship opportunities planned, in addition to the NW Teen Formal Banquet and NW Teen Formal Dance on the evening of Sunday, May 25.
Steve Myers and his wife, Kathe, will be joining us as our special guests for the weekend, and we’re excited to welcome them to the area. Please begin making plans to join us this Memorial Day weekend in Salem!
For more information, please see our informational flyer (tinyurl.com/NWTeenFormalFlyer) or visit our website for the weekend at tinyurl.com/NWTeenFormal.
Registration for the weekend opens on February 2.
Mammoth Cave Camping Weekend:
The Bowling Green congregation is excited to announce the annual camping weekend at Mammoth Cave, Kentucky, May 8–11, 2025 (Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Sunday). Church services held campside will be Saturday at 2 p.m. central time. Come for all, or part of the fun!
We have several camping sites reserved. There are several cave tours you can reserve to do on your own or with others. Saturday night we will do a huge potluck if you want to participate.
Call or text Sherie at (615) 512-5533 or email her at Spalding1221@gmail.com for complete details about costs and making reservations.
60th Anniversary of the Church of God in Maryland
On March 8, 2025 the United Church of God will host a celebration of the 60th anniversary of the Church of God in the Baltimore, Maryland area.
Brethren will be able to reminisce over old photos and memorabilia while enjoying a meal. Sabbath services will begin at 1 p.m. at The Other Barn, 5851 Robert Oliver Place, Columbia, MD 21045.
All past attendees of the congregations in Maryland are invited to attend this special celebration. If you are interested in attending and are not currently attending the Columbia, Maryland, congregation or have any pictures or other items related to the Church of God in Maryland that you would like to have included in the slide show, please contact Rhonda Diggins at rddiggins@yahoo.com by Feb. 14, 2025.