United Church of God

Brought out, Rescued, and Redeemed

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Brought Out, Rescued, and Redeemed

MP3 Audio (64.17 MB)


Brought out, Rescued, and Redeemed

MP3 Audio (64.17 MB)

When God promised deliverance to His people from the slavery of the Egyptians, God said, “Now you shall see what I will do to Pharoah” (Exodus 6:1). Through God’s mighty hand, He has also delivered each of us from the burden of sin in our lives. A few verses later, God said, “I will bring you out…rescue you…and redeem you” (Exodus 6:6). Each one of these action words from scripture shines a light on the way God is working in the lives of mankind. Our loving Father has delivered us personally from the bondage of our sin so our “faith and hope are in God” (1 Peter 1:21).

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