United Church of God

Counting the Weeks

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Counting the Weeks

MP3 Audio (60.25 MB)


Counting the Weeks

MP3 Audio (60.25 MB)

The Day of Pentecost is prescribed to be kept on the fiftieth day, "to the day after the seventh Sabbath." How are we to count to 50? What is our starting point? In this sermon, we examine some main methods of counting to Pentecost and take a look at some spiritual meaning as we complete this counting of the weeks.

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  • KEZ
    Really good sermon. Tim Martens played it for his congregation in Cave Springs, AR. I never realized that scripture about taking up a collection on the first day of the week could be translated take up a collection on the first of weeks, probably the first week on the count to Pentecost. Also very convincing that Sivan 6 isn’t Pentecost.
  • Andy Duran
    Thanks Karen. Yes indeed, it is great what Paul is referencing in 1 Corinthians 16. It isn't an offering to be collected during a Sunday worship, as some would say. Instead, it is a reference to the count towards Pentecost. This period is a time of harvest and in that work, he is asking them to put aside some for the brethren!
  • Gsmith
    Loved the sermon. Very clearly explained, and well spoken. Gave me plenty to think about, and more questions on this particular holy day. For instance, when Jesus came to the disciples after His resurrection, it said He was with them them for forty days, and told them not to leave Jerusalem but to wait for the promise of the Father. My thinking, and my humble opinion is that the Pentecost was only ten days away (which would make for 50 days), when He showed Himself to the disciples after His death, and ascended back to the Father on the 40th day. There is no scriptures that support my opinion, it's just one of those things that make me go hmmmmmmmm?
  • Andy Duran
    Thank you, Mr. Smith, concerning your comments. I have always enjoyed the subject of counting the Sabbaths to Pentecost. I'm glad the sermon was beneficial, and that God blessed the hearing and understanding. Yes, the disciples were no doubt counting to Pentecost as commanded, and therefore they would have been waiting for day 50. The scripture does say that Christ saw Mary before He had ascended which would have been on day 1 on the count (wave sheaf offering day). If you partner that with John 20:19, Jesus sees the disciples on that same day, so likely the 40 days is including day 1. With that reasoning, there would be 10 days until Pentecost when He left. Regards,
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