United Church of God

Little Sins

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Little Sins

MP3 Audio (13.71 MB)


Little Sins

MP3 Audio (13.71 MB)

There are things in our lives that if we are not careful we will allow in our lives and ultimately they can be extremely spiritually dangerous because in reality, there is no such thing as "little sins". Lets look at five major ways that we perform presumptuous sins and three basic ways to learn to deal with these sins.

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  • Sydney
    It is very true to say there is no such thing as a little sin because God The Father does not have exceptions to anything unGodly.Its important to always bear this in our minds as Jesus Christs' followers.
  • DanielSnedden
    Wow! Excellent message. I need to get busy. There is a very long list of little sins to work on.:)
  • Tina Olson
    This is a reminder that the little things matter! All sin is sin no matter the size or degree. We need to be asking God to help us see all sin no matter the size!And then we must ask for God forgivness. Thank you for such a great sermon.
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